Bonus chapter - Chapter one- Ethan's POV

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Warning: I strongly recommend you do NOT read any chapters in Ethan's POV until you've read the whole book. It was not designed to be read like that as there will be spoilers throughout. 


I leaned back on the chair with a sigh and tapped my finger impatiently against the steering wheel. "Come on, Come on. Come on," I mumbled under my breath. The stupid traffic lights were taking forever to change color.

 I wanted to see her already, I didn't get a chance to talk to her today or over the weekend, and it was driving me insane.

 "Woah, Ethan, why are you so tense man? We haven't even been stuck in traffic for that long," my friend Nick called from the back seat.

 Lucas broke into laughter from his position at the passenger seat. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he gave me a knowing look. "Aww, he's tense because he hasn't talked to Miss Mia Collins since lunchtime," Lucas cooed. 

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, shut up," I snapped, not bothering to deny it. 

 "And just for the record, I haven't talked to her since Friday. I couldn't find her at Lunch today," I scowled. 

"Probably because she's avoiding you," Lucas snorted. 

"Yeah, probably," I shrugged. "That's why I'm gonna corner her at her workplace," I chuckled.

Lucas just chuckled and shook his head. We had all just finished soccer practice, and I'd decided to treat the guys to some good old ice cream sundaes. 

It didn't take a genius to figure out, why I was craving them...

"Wait, who's Mia Collins?" Nick interrupted in confusion. 

Lucas smiled and twisted around in his seat to face him. "Only the love of Ethan's life. The poor bloke's been following after her like a lost puppy for the past six years," he laughed. 

I felt my cheeks burn. "Way to make me sound pathetic," I muttered. 

"Always happy to help," Lucas winked. 

 "Wait, are you serious?" Nick exclaimed. "You've liked the same chick for six years?" He gasped as though the notion was ridiculous. 

I nodded my head stiffly. It was embarrassing but true.

 I was so sure my crush would eventually go away, but then one week turned into two, and then months went by, then years, and now here we are at a whopping six years. 

  And counting... 

I looked out the window and saw the familiar Sugar shake sign. I say familiar because let's just say I've become their number one customer ever since a certain girl started working here. 

I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. Nick undid his seatbelt and stuck his head in between our seats. 

"Wait, is Mia Collins that hot, dark-haired chick that you're always making fun of?" he asked. 

I felt a muscle in my jaw tick, and I snapped my head towards him. "What the hell did you just say?" I hissed.

 "Uh oh shouldn't have said that buddy," Lucas sang as he pulled a nervous face. 

I observed Nick and narrowed my eyes. "I like you, Nick, but call her hot again, and I won't hesitate to break every bone in your body. Then I'll wait for you to heal, find you, and do it all over again," I snapped.

 Nick's eye's widened, and he leaned away from me in shock. "Well, someone's territorial...," he drawled as he eyed me cautiously, in the same manner, one might eye a wild bear.

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