Freak of nature

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I slept throughout the drive to our new home. Mom kept waking me constantly to check if I was still alive.

Give me a break woman.

The earliest she gets it to her head the better.

I thought in exhaustion.

I couldn't even get a good sleep before being brought back to life by her constant shaking and shouting.

We arrived 30minutes before the moving truck did. I simply carried my bag and went straight to lock myself in the room that seems the biggest.

"Hey freak that's my room" I heard banging on the wooden door.

I groaned.
What can a dying girl do to have some sleep godammit

"Freak didn't you hear me, open this door" he kept hitting the door like a maniac

"Let your sister have the room Ben. Just take the other one" my Dad voice echoed

"Whatever. I'll have it back in no time"

On normal circumstances that was supposed to hurt me. But I guess having a weak heart meant feeling nothing at all.

I looked at the walls, plain white.
'i need darker colors'

After school tomorrow I'll hit the store and get proper colors


Seeing cheerful teenagers walking through the hallway only made me cringed. I memorised my schedule before hand so I knew all my classes for today.

I proceeded to sit in the middle row, plugging my Airpod to block out the noise.

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I took out my airpod turning to meet green eyes.

"Hey" she sang
"I'm Aliyah"

I studied her. She looked somewhat happy and full of life.

This made me roll my eyes returning my airpods back to were they belonged

She tapped me again. Making me slightly irritated. I reduced the volume of the song playing on my phone.

"Hey I said my name is Aliyah. I guess you didn't hear me the first time" she smiled again

Does she think I'm deaf? And is she so stupid to notice I don't care?

I ignored her, blasting my music in my ears to zone out her giddy voice.

Classes began and the dumbass teacher decides to pair us up in groups, pairing me with 'Miss I'm too happy'.

How predictable..

"Hey I guess we're partners" she said smiling.
I looked at her blankly, with no interest at all.

"I'm Aliyah by the way"

This got me to roll my eyes

"I heard you the first time" Stupid

She giggled

"So she speaks" she said giggling again


I couldn't drive so i had to meet with Ben to drive us home, so I walked slowly to the park taking my time enjoying my music. You know, since time is not on my side, why rush?

My enjoyable moment was short lived when Aliyah approached me. She was a bit taller than me.

"What do you want" I said dryly

She giggled

What's wrong with her?

"Come on dummy. We have a project to complete in less than a week. Shouldn't we arrange where and when  we would meet up"

I stopped in my track. Did she just call me 'dummy'.
I looked at her. I wonder what she found so amusing all the time.

"You don't have to worry your pretty little head about that, I'll do it myself" I said bored

She giggled

"You think I'm pretty?"


Of all the things she could pick up on?
I just stared blankly

She giggled again.

"It's called a group project for a reason and no, I'll meet you at your place, just give me your address"

Like I would do that?

I've lived all my life in self isolation not worrying about friendships or meeting up with people. At my old school I always did all the group projects myself and frankly they were too happy to let me do all the work.

I've never brought or invited anyone home and I was not about to do that.

I maintained my blank stare and responded with "Never happening"

Walking away immediately.

"What was that all about freak" Ben said when I got into his car.

I plugged my airpods ignoring his remark

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