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Aliyah's POV

We drove off. We we're almost out of town.

We got to my favorite spot. It was like a flower garden but a bit hidden.

Ava's alms were crossed as she studied the place

"So we skipped school for this" she asked with her usual bored expression

I nodded smiling

"Why?, You don't like it?"

"It's peaceful" she stated as a matter of facts

She found a spot and laid on the smooth grass facing the sky.

I mirrored her action

"I'm sorry for what Cars.."

"Don't.." she cut in

"Don't ruin the moment"

She said with her eyes shot

I nodded

She's so gorgeous. I smiled to myself.
Is it weird that I see myself falling for Ava?

"You're staring" she blunt out looking at me in the eye, not breaking her stare

"So_sorry" I stuttered shyly

She smirked then looked away.

She muttered something, and I thought I heard 'cute'
but I'm sure I heard wrong

I decided to be a pest and asked her about her favorite music. I giggled. I know how she loves her peace

She stared at me as though she didn't expect me to ask that, but then she started to talk and I could see the glint of excitement in those blue orbs. I was mesmerized.

I stared from her eyes to her lips.
I tried punching myself so I won't do anything stupid. But she kept talking, and my eyes were focused on the movement of her lips

"Why is your face moving closer to mine?" Ava said snapping me out. My gaze left her lips to her eyes. Those blue eyes.

She raised a brow waiting for a response

I swallowed dryly. Think, think.

"I em..I have this problem, where I fall asleep with my eyes opened" I said scratching the back of my head

"You what?"

The fuck is wrong with my brain. Sleeping with my eyes opened? You're so stupid Aliyah.

I mentally cursed myself

"Yeah sorry, I fall asleep with my eyes open. Sorry"

She scuffed

"Do you also blink when you sleep with your eyes open?" She asked. Sarcasm dripping all over

I felt embarrassed. How do I get out of this. Ahhahh! Guilt trip!

"I won't know for sure. It's a medical condition" I said pouting

She maintained her sarcastic expression.

"What's the name of your medical condition"

I saw this one time. Brain I'm sorry I called you stupid, please just this once

"I'm waiting" she smirked

"It's em, lag, Lagophthalmos. Lagophthalmos yes"

She laughed


This was the first time I heard her laugh

It was beautiful

"I love your smile" I blunt out not realizing it. She stopped laughing

"It's getting late, we should get back"

With that she stood up and headed to the car.

Did that upset her?

Ava's POV

I got home an hour later than usual.
When I arrived, I was policed by my mom.

"This is new" she said surprised

"What happened?" She asked watching my expression.

I simply shrugged.

"Nothing mom. Just felt like taking my time" I nodded

"Well I got a call from your principal. He said Ben got in a fight" I nodded, remembering what happened this morning. I almost forgot.

Its always like that around Aliyah. I forget things.

I forget that I'm dying, I forget that i hate how depressing it feels, I forget that I shouldn't care.

"Is he home yet" I asked

"Yes dear"
I nodded and exited to my room.

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