Love wins

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"I love you babe" Ava smiled as she pecked my lips

"i love you" i muttered before i
opened my eyes.

I stared into nothing as my eyes began to adjust to the darkness

Oh it was just a dream

My face felt dry

I placed a finger underneath my eyes


I sighed

This is so exhausting

How could someone be so consumed in love that it hurt so much. I just want it to stop

Love is stupid

I sat up looking at my feet in the dark

In the next two hours i would have to get ready for school

I could say i got the flu? Naah, Dad won't buy it

I could just say i have a running stomach, that sounds reasonable

I got under my blanket again, getting comfortable under my sheets

This is it. Comfort and peace

I smiled to myself as the cold air hit my face

The last time Ava and i spoke was when she texted me to 'head out' and it has been a week already.

I know, time flies.

For some reasons i doubt if that message was even meant for me to begin with.

Nope I'm not doing this. For this rest of today I'm just going to sleep.

No Ava.

Just more sleep and peace

I smiled at the thought of more sleep

I'm only miserable by the day but i don't mind. I just want more sleep

It wasn't even up to an hour when my Dad came barging it

"Good morning champ it's bright and early"

I groaned

"Dad I don't feel well"

"What's the matter honey" he sat beside me

I feel weak, i can't stand properly" i lied

"We need the get you to the hospital then"

Oh shit

"No I'll be fine. I just need more rest"

He looked at me skeptically


"I'll be back home early" he kissed my cheeks

"Love you"

"Love you too Dad"

The moment he left i smiled brightly, greeting my comfortable bed

"Baby it's just you and i"

My phone kept ringing. It was really annoying

I groaned when i saw Sarah's Id

"What's is" i picked

"That's no way to say good morning love"

"Yeah whatever. What do you want?"

"Well, i know your stupid ass is still in bed, so you better get up and get ready"

I rolled my eyes

"And why would i do that"

"Cause if you don't you're about to loose your freaking wife"

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