Right here with you

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I watched the doctor as he spoke but I couldn't hear a word he said.

What's going on my vision was getting blurry. My heart kept beating loudly

"Ava Ava" the sound of my name felt distant and just like that, everything went dark.

Is this the end?

Would I finally leave this Earth?

No. I can't


I gasped out as I opened my eyes. I took in my surrounding. I was in a room. This looks all too familiar for me

"Ava are you alright?"

"Get the doctor"

I tried to seat up but I couldn't

"Shuush baby stay put. Let's wait for the doctor"

I moved my head slightly to face my mom. Everywhere hurts

I was still in the hospital. But why am I here. Why am I on this bed.

Where's Aliyah 

"Mom?" I croaked out

I felt hot tears pouring from the side of my eyes

"I'm here baby, I'm here" she cooed holding my hand

My Dad walked in followed by Ben, accompanied by a middle aged man in white coat, obviously the doctor

He moved towards me, doing whatever he was doing on me.

I tried to move again but I felt a sharp pain on my head

"Ow" it hurts so badly

"Don't move" the doctor spoke

"You hit your head really hard when you fell" he spoke calmly

"Thankfully you didn't damage anything serious. You'll be fine" he gave me a smile

A nurse came in after the doctor had left with a medicine tray, I watched how she pushed it close to me. I don't understand. Why's nobody saying anything about Aliyah



"Where's Aliyah?"

They all starred at me quiet. Even Ben was quiet

I tried to get up again but I couldn't

"Mom" I croaked out

"Why aren't you saying anything"

"Ben? Where's Aliyah"

"Well ehm.." he started but got interrupted by the nurse

"Sorry guys but I think you all should leave. It's time to give the patient her medication. She needs to rest.
You can all come back after an hour"

They nodded, standing up to leave

"Nononononono don't leave. Mom, Dad, Ben" I tried to look at them, expecting some sort of reassurance

They all smiled and left afterwards

"Why aren't they saying anything to me" I asked the nurse

"Because you need to rest"

"I don't care" I cried

"I don't care" I repeated

The pain from my head was too much.

I felt pain everywhere

I don't know what she gave me but my eyes felt heavy

"I don't care, I want to see Al" I muttered sleepily

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