Acting Ambivalently

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Sarah's POV.

Love beholds the power to shatter you Just like secrets. Both of them together can destroy you.


I wondered why he left abruptly but that is subsided by the quarrel between boys and girls while I am excluded from it.






After what felt like eternity Ellie and Abbott had finally shut up or I swear to God I would have strangled them but since we already played the game we decided to watch a movie of Ellie's choice.

That was my mistake to let her choose the movie because she made us watch the kissing booth a kind of chick flick. I swear I haven't resented my choices before but this I surely did.

Halfway through the movie, I was bored. While Ellie, Rose and Kate sat ahead of us I sat with Zack on my left and Nate on my right. Both extremely drowsy and kept their heads on my shoulder while Abbott kept glancing between Kate and the movie. I never knew Abbott loved chick flicks. I was myself bored but it didn't refrain me from staying awake but I didn't wanna fall asleep so I took a bunch of my hair and tickled both the boys on my sides on their neck. It jolted them awake from their sleepy state and anyways the movie was over so it was time to go home. Although I stuffed a little more pizza before going home.

Food never hurt noone.


The next day of school was boring, there was the usual rush before our day started. Our lockers were on the 3rd floor, I dragged my feet upstairs while Zack seemed to climb effortlessly.

We eat the same amount of junk, how is it easy for him? I huff when I have reached just the second floor even after climbing so much.

"Hey Angel, hi Zack!" James flashed us a smile.

"Hi!" We both said in unison not sparing him any extra glance.

"Where did you go yesterday?" Zack inquired inquisitively.

"Umm, I had something to take care of! Sorry about the fact that I had to leave." He shrugged not looking sorry at all by his actions just by words. When we arrived on the 3rd floor Zack went straight to his locker meeting some of his other classmates and friends while I went to mine.

"So how are you?" James asked me.

"Extremely awesome. How are you?" I replied nonchalantly.

"All good. Haven't talked to you in a while. I don't see you on the window anymore!" He said sincerely.

Are you frigging serious?

"That's because you disappear without a clue!" I shrugged.

"Angel.." He was cut off with the girls who came behind him all clad and makeup. I swear they put so much time in it.

"Hey, girls." We hugged each other and I saw James's retreating figure from the corner of my eyes.

Seemingly, all of the classes were decent today and my mood was fluttering until I am back in physics. I sat beside Andrew this time and we played UNO. We had basically played 4 rounds where I ended up winning 2 and Sean ended up winning remaining the rest and half through the lecture, Andrew was sure that we were both cheating somehow.

I swear he is paranoid. How can we cheat and why would we? I shook my head mentally seeing him infuriated.

"How is this possible?" He fumes sitting between me and Sean as I laid my last plus two cards.

"You lost!" Sean throwing another wild card.

"You are both cheating." He crossed his hand on his chest like a baby and the bell rang signalling the start of our lunch. I said bye to both of them and hurried on my way to the cafeteria. I dumped my bag and took my wallet with me ending up straight in the line.

"Hey there again!" James spoke from behind me.

"Hey to you too. Weren't you supposed to wait for all?" He said glancing here and there to find the whole squad.

"No. Nobody waits for food. We wait on table and anyways everyone would be on their way here!" I said smiling.

"Hey S!" Rose tapped my shoulder from behind.

"Hey, Rose." I greeted her.

"Why is calculus so boring?" She whined.

"Because you don't pay attention!" Kate cackled.

"Hola James." She said while Rose waved at him.

"Where's Ellie?" I asked Rose

"At the table!" She said flatly squinting her eyes at her from afar.

"Twin thing is really a thing!" I snickered with Kate.

"Don't you want anything?" I asked James who was just turning around to leave.

"Oh no, I am not hungry! Besides I have to do something really important." He flashed us a smile before going and I did the same. Rose plugged in the earphones blocking everything while I and Kate waited patiently for our food to come.

"Hey, can I ask something?" Kate turned to me.

"Yes. What is it?" I fired back not so nicely.

"What is it with James?" She gave me a puzzled look.

"What do you mean?"

"No, the fact that he runs every time we come says that he is not quite interested in making friends, just acquaintances. So what's up? Does he have a hidden girlfriend or something? Because he keeps acting ambivalently. There is something wrong." She answered in a low voice so that no one hears.

A hidden girlfriend sounds abnormal he is quite persistently quoting me for a few weeks now but it's also true that he runs away at every interaction instantly. But the question is why would he have a girlfriend and say that he likes me?

I shrugged James out of my thoughts and took my cheese sandwich and fries to the table.

Yes, I'm a junkie.

No, I don't care.

Yes, you should not care too.

I slouched on my chair in the cafeteria grumpily gulping down the fries while the guys chatted around and kept birdwatching especially Nate. He kept snapping his neck here and there and honestly the speed it snapped he would bring a sprain to his neck. Idiot. Abbott kept making silly conversation with Ellie and Kate while Zack kept glancing between me and Kate since I was throwing daggers by the way I was looking at her, not minding if anyone saw. Rose kept texting to someone or precisely the same guy. The animated conversation came to halt when the bell finally rang. I stood up threw my tray in one bin and leftover in the trash and walked away.

"Hey wait up, I'm coming." A familiar voice came from behind.


If you have reached this far I wanted to thank you all for being patient with me as I upload my story.

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