Chapter 8

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He didn't even apologize. Instead, he acted like it didn't happen.

No wonder his wife ran off.

Thinking of it, this was the perfect moment to find out more about it.

"Why didn't your girlfriend come to the wedding?", you asked all of a sudden.

You sat on the bed, taking a plate from the tray and chopsticks. You had to admit; the food wasn't bad.

He looked at you for a while, probably contemplating whether or not he should tell you.

"She didn't have the guts to tell me she wasn't going to marry me, she was on a plane by the time I found out she wasn't coming."

"Did she fall in love with someone else or was it because you are a horrible husband?"

He didn't react to the insult.

"I don't think so. We planned on getting married because she wanted to take revenge on someone and I wanted to stop rumors from spreading."

So he didn't marry out of love, huh?

You kind of were expecting that.

If it were for love, he would've called the wedding off immediately and cried his eyes out.

When he was sitting here, in front of you, he seemed fine. Maybe a little tired and very stressed, but not heartbroken or anything.

"Who did she want to take revenge on? And what rumors?"

"She worked for a business rival before and they fired her. I don't quite know why, but she came to me with the idea of getting married and I just took the opportunity."

He omitted the rumors.

This was interesting.

"Wait, so when exactly did you plan all of this out?"

He thought about it before he responded.

"About three months ago, I think."

That wasn't so bad. You expected him to say three weeks.

Three months could be enough to fall head over heels for someone and make the life-destroying decision to marry.

If you were dumb enough to do so.

"What about you? I assume Jung Hoseok is not your boyfriend or else you would've never agreed to it."

"You're right, he's not. We've been friends for a very long time."

Thinking about it, your last relationship was quite a while ago. Three, maybe even four years. You've never noticed that, being busy with college back then and now with finding a good job.

"So you're single."

"Technically, I'm married to you. But yeah", you admitted.

He took a look at his watch. "It's getting late".

He stood up. You placed your empty plate on the tray and put it on the bedside table. You didn't quite know what to say.

After all, it's not an everyday occurrence to dine with your husband which you've known for less than a day and talk about his ex.

Jungkook headed to the door. He looked at you and you expected him to say something like 'goodnight' or 'it wasn't so bad after all'.

"I'll send you the divorce papers by Wednesday."

With that, he left the room.


You looked at the ring on your hand.

Such a pity that he was probably going to ask for it back as soon as this 'relationship' was over. It looked good on your hand, and surprisingly, it was the right size.

You wondered whether his wife took the ring with her and this was another one or if Jungkook was in the possession of the rings the whole time.

This was indeed going to be an interesting week.

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