[ Arc 2.9 ]

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I've decided to wait to receive my Chromebook before publishing any chapters as this would be easier than to constantly question my younger sibling to use her laptop.

update: the site soon became restricted, I think they caught on.

update 2: the plan failed.


Lucielle patiently waited from the spot he was placed in as the thunder was roaring from within the skies above, he sat quietly and trembling even when the little child had no contact with the rain. His hands shaking, crawled up into a little ball, it can be clearly seen that the child was terrified in the situation. Whilst waiting for the older boy to come back, Lucielle became a bit hungry from sitting for a long time, his stomach quietly revealed a whale's call from within but only he heard it all. With no one around, Lucielle feared that the guards may have caught the other boy. If they had caught him, this would be the dead end for Lucielle himself for this world.

Minutes began to quickly turn into hours as there was no sign of the older boy coming back but Lucielle thought to sleep by himself when night went darker and darker into pitch black. He did have faith that he would come back but he has not been noticed yet, there was nothing but silence for the next two days; absolutely nothing. Lucielle believed he would have come back on the second day though he was seemingly wrong, or so he thought, whenever the afternoon came by, Lucielle thought to carefully wander outside of the small hole of the large tree he resided in, feeling the rocks and the sticks coming out of the hole, it was clear that the little boy nearly given up on waiting.

Cuts soon formed on his little palms and on the soles of his feet as he fell a couple times while he attempted to balance himself with the long stick he was given only to fall whenever it came to a large rock on the surface. Injuring himself on many occasions, Lucielle suddenly found himself encountering a river, the little boy did not know the diameter of the river but he was tempted to cross it.

'It's dangerous...' Lucielle thought as he felt the cold water rush from his little pair of feet, before he had another second to think of his decision, the sand and rocky part he was standing upon collapsed from his weight. He found himself deep in the water but Lucielle knew how to swim, attempting to swim to the rims of the river, he was unfortunately pulled from the pressure of the way the river was going.

'!!! Σ(・口・) oh no.'

The river was drifting the little child down farther onto it's path as Lucielle started panicking at the spot, trying to swim to the side but the little boy did not know which direction to go to the edge as he lost his sense of direction once he had slipped in earlier. Startled and nearly petrified, Lucielle stayed afloat until he heard something from afar, as it came closer, it became clear that it was not a good sign.

The little boy questioned what that could've been while he heard a loud rush of water becoming more louder and louder by every minute. Lucielle shut his eyes and thought that this was the end to his silly and idiotic decision as he was human as well, making mistakes at one point and resolving it whenever it was needed. When all felt lost and dreadful, Lucielle stopped attempting to swim until he felt something else coming near.


Hearing the familiar voice, Lucielle felt himself being pulled by his arms to the side while having a wave of relief go through his small body. Once his body reached out from the river and had contact with the air, the little boy started trembling immensely, cold and shivering to the fall air.

"What were you doing by the river? I told you to stay where I put you Angel" Lucielle heard Eros reprimand him with a scolding yet frightening tone. Hearing how worried the older boy was, Lucielle realized how bad the result could've been if the older boy haven't seen me and pulled me out of the river. Glancing at the small trembling child, Eros felt guilty for scolding him and instead hugged him with another warm cloth which nearly startled Lucielle for how warm and thick the cloth was.

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