[ Arc 2.15 ]

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Who is ready for Halloween?


'I want to leave' Lucielle merely thought as he went down to go in whatever destined chair he was supposed to go in while Eros took a glint to the lady on the other line of the table. Appearing mysterious and quiet, Eros made a strange smirk before going to where the other noblemen were in the other room. Leaving Lucielle alone to tend for himself, Lucielle knew this wouldn't be as fun, feeling a tangle of knots within his stomach; he cursed to himself about the corset.

"Since the last member finally united with the group, I'll start the event of the tea party for perhaps 16 digits." Mary sneered as she got up to use her fork to gently hit the wine glass she held in her other hand, producing an echoed out bell sound, all the noble ladies took notice and stared.

"I would like to welcome the noble ladies that attended this tea party before the grand night of mine, of course it won't last long, I want everyone to spend the day in the ballroom." Mary began to speak as Lucielle listened, however tired and stiff, he really didn't desire to take anymore of this.

"This tea party will only last about 15 digits, so intake the time well." She ended with a weird tone as some ladies nodded strangely. Taking notice of these actions, Lucielle glanced before noting how close the wine glass is to his side. As if he knew what would have happened, he scooted his lovely chair a meter away from the table as Mary 'accidentally' knocked over the glass with red vibrant wine while she was sitting down.

With the glass striking the carpet underneath the table, Lucielle's attire was saved from the childish act of pushing off wine then acting it off as a simple 'accident'. Avoiding the cup completely, this had stunned Mary and some of the other ladies; looking at each other, it resulted in a distasteful glare from Mary.

'How annoying.' Lucielle sighed in irritation with an eyebrow twitching up.

'You know how expensive this damn dress is right?' Lucielle added while gazing toward his light blue pale dress, with lacy details paired with a high neck line, the shear yet opaque thin to puffy sleeves swayed to his movements.

'Sly bitch.' Mary scoffed before meekly apologizing with no sense of empathy other than the mask that was placed upon her, noting how

"Ah. My apologies, did you get any on your dress miss?" Mary mockingly reacted with fake concern as she called for the maids nearby to clean up the mess before Lucielle scooted back gently with the chair whenever Mary decided to go on with her next plan. Whilst Lucielle was nearing the table, the maids came over to pour tea for everyone at the table. Suspiciously pouring hot water into his small tea porcelain cup, Lucielle wanted to laugh out of pity. Holding up the tea as it was slowly cooling down for 30 seconds, the gentleman brought the edge of the cup to his red lips, appearing to nearly drink the black tea, Lucielle abruptly stopped and brought it down.

"Miss, is there something wrong with the tea?" One of the noble ladies near Mary's side questioned Lucielle as she noticed how strange his gestures were to not drink the tea which brought attention toward Mary. Turning her head to face Lucielle properly seated with grace and elegancy, Mary gestured to the question as well.

Shaking his head gently, Lucielle went ahead to drink the tea, tasting every single last drop, this made Mary smile behind her mask. Feeling his throat burning from the strange liquid paired with the tea, the system above the host was beginning to smile, it knew he wouldn't do such a thing without an intention to. Fluttering its transparent wings, Lucielle tilted his head to the lady and gently smiled with purity, giving a admiring display to the princess, Mary thought she successfully caught him within her plan.

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