chapter thirteen

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"Sapphy!" Sebastian calls me from the bathroom

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"Sapphy!" Sebastian calls me from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I poked my head in.

"Not a great way to ask but would you like to go on a date with me?" He says in the shower. "We're only gonna be here until tomorrow so let's go sight seeking." He smirks through the glass door.

I refrained myself from looking down further.

"Sure." I replied before jumping back onto the bed. It's been two days since Matthew was taken into Forbes' custody. I went to see him yesterday mainly because I wanted to taunt him.

No one should mess with any women and expect not to suffer some consequences.

I laid in one of Sebastian's t-shirt and a thong. Sometimes I'd sleep without the underwear or we'll both the underwear and shirt but I stopped doing that when I started sleeping with Sebastian.

He could not refrain himself from touching me. Hell I thought I was a horn dog but he was ten times worse.

I mean he can't even when I have cloths on but it's more controllable with something in between us. I'm pretty positive that didn't make any sense but just let it make sense.

I watched criminal minds on the tv since I was bored waiting for him to come out of the shower.

"So what time do you wanna leave?" He asks walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso. There was water dripping from his chest rolling all the way down to his abs.

This man was a literal god.

"You're drooling." He smirks.

I wiped my mouth quickly before realizing that he was joking. "Haha very fun." I flipped him off.

He leans down on the bed standing in between my legs trapping me between his arms.

"If you want we could just stay inside today." He says moving one hand down to my core. His pointer finger grazes over my bud making my insides tingle.

"No." I managed to spit out.


"Nope. We're going out." I said walking into the bathroom with my bag.

If I would've stayed any longer I would've melted and I would've let him do literally whatever he wanted with me.


After hours and hours of walking and sight seeing we decided to go out for dinner. Sebastian and I almost died a couple times trying to cross the streets. Not because it was hard but because we are both dumb asses.

We went to a nearby pizzeria.

"Hello welcome to Pizza Union Spitalfields. How can I help you?" A girl says. She was looking directly at Sebastian up and down swooning over him.

My smiles turned faded. It's like everywhere I go some girl is trying to flirt with him.

He looks up at her not even smiling. "I'll have four slices of sausage and pineapple pizza."

"Okay." She writes it down leaning over to him. "Quick question is that your sister?" She asks him pointing at me.

At this point I want to slam my head onto the table.

"No she's my soon to be fiancé." He replies moving away from her slightly.

"Oh bummer." She walks away and he looks over at me smiling.

"What's the matter? Jealous?" He smirks.

"No." I muttered looking down.

"Now you know how I feel when other men stare at you." He chuckles taking a sip of his water.

"Hey at least they don't come up to me asking if you were my brother." I crossed my arm. Wow I'm such a child.

"Probably because I flash them my gun before they could."

I thought about it for a second. "Makes sense." I shrugged.

"Don't worry babe. I only have eyes for you." He winks. My cheeks heated up.

Oh I'm blushing. I hated blushing.

"Actually I've been meaning to ask you something." He holds both of my hands in his. He over the table leaning closer to me.

I have very high hopes he's gonna ask me to be his girlfriend. Only because I heard Sebastian tell Marcus that last night when he thought I was sleeping.

Once we're face to face making me kinda cross eyed. "Will you..."

"Will I what?"

"Will you suck my dick?" He smirks and I rolled my eyes causing him to laugh uncontrollably.

"You're an ass." I glared at him while he tries to recover from laughing so hard.

"Your face was priceless." He says in between laughs.

"I'm going to kill you." I crossed my leg and just say there waiting for him to finish.

"Okay but seriously now." He says wiping away a tear that slipped from his eye. He grabs my hand but I pulled it back. He sticks out his bottom lip pouting.

I put my hand in his letting him hold it. "Will you Sapphire Thea Michaelson make me the happiest man in the world and be my girlfriend." He asks.

I pretended like I was thinking about it for second. "Uh no."

"No?" He asks with a disappointed face.

"Yeah, my other boyfriends won't like you so I don't think it'll work."

"What other boyfriends Sapphire?" He growls causing me to heat up. He looked like he was going to burn me and this place up.

"I was just kidding. Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

He stands up walking over to stand beside me. "Are you sure? Because Sapphire if I find out that you have secret boyfriends I'll kill all of them." He says whispering the last part.

"I'm 100% sure."

"Good." He pulls me up and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body.

He leans down pressing his lip onto mines kissing me passionately.

"Uhm." The girl who came earlier hums breaking us apart. "Your pizza is ready." She gives us both a fake smile and walked away.

"You knew she was coming didn't you?" I asked tapping his nose.


published: november 25th, 2020
I just wanna say happy early thanksgivings, please remember to be safe and cautious. Thank you for 5k reads and over 1,000 followers. I appreciate it so muchhhh!!!

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