chapter thirty one

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"Hey mom and Dalton, I'm back

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"Hey mom and Dalton, I'm back. So umm my boyfriend Sebastian still hasn't woken up yet. I decided to take his place and fight for him. He won't have time to recover and train before the fight. I'm not sure if I'm going to win but if I don't at least I get to come see you guys." I chuckle dryly. "Even though I miss you guys I'm scared to die. There's still a lot I wanna do. I hope this isn't selfish. It probably is and I'm sorry but I don't have anyone else to talk to right now." I sighed laying down. "I need to find someone to train me. Train me differently than what Marcus and Sebastian does but where can I find someone who would do that?"

I continue telling them about my plan. Well whispering them so no one can hear.

"I miss you both so much." I closed my eyes but opened them when I heard branches cracking.

I sat up and looked at the figure standing in front of me. "Oh sorry, am I blocking your way?" I asked the man.

He was the man I saw before. The one that looked familiar.

"No. I heard you talk—"

"So you were eavesdropping?"

"Well you were kinda loud." He says bluntly.

"I was not."

"You were too." He argues back.

"I was—- never mind. Can I help you?" I crossed my arm getting up.

"Well I heard you were looking for a trainer."

"Uh-huh..." I nodded my head slowly.

"I can train you. I used to be apart of a gang. I know how it all works."

"Is this some sort of trick for you to kidnap me?" I questioned.

"No, I used to be apart of one but I left."

"I can't trust you that easily and I don't even know your name." I told him. "Plus aren't you like 50?"

"My name is Rafael and I'm 39!" He exclaimed. "I don't look that old."

"Hmm I don't know about that. You should probably go find another mirror to look in."

He mutters some unpleasant words under his breathe. He pulls out a piece of paper from his coat.

"My place, tomorrow at 2pm." He gives it to me and I take it. "I promise I won't kidnap you. You seem like you'd kill me before I could even get ahold of you."

"Well you're not wrong about that." I looked at the piece of paper. "Fine but Im not coming alone."

"That's fine."

"Okay see you tomorrow."

"See you."

We both parted ways. Was I really gonna go? Yes I'm fucking desperate. Plus men have tried kidnapping me several times, I've gotten away.


"Marcus i'll be fine. Colton and I will live."

"You met some random ass stranger in a fucking cemetery who was listening to you talk to your mother and brother and is now offering to train you at whatever address this is. What if you die?" He yells at me.

"Didn't I tell you that I'll be fine. Colton is coming with me."

"Colton barely likes killing a fly what makes you think he's gonna kill a person?" He asks me.

I looked over at Colton. "He's got a point." Colton says.

"Shut it." I pushed his face back. "Marcus I'll be fine. I have weapons on me."

"No. Sebastian will wake up and he'll kill me." He exclaimed rolling his eyes.

"I told you he's not gonna know!" I stomped on his foot.

"Fucking whore." He says grabbing his foot. "Fine, go but if you die I'm gonna come to your funeral and yell I told you so." Marcus crosses his arm looking up into air.

"I'll see you later Marcus. Be careful."

"You two better be careful." He says as I pulled Colton outside. Colton puts the address in the gps and starts driving.

"You better fight if this stranger tries to attack me." I warned him.

"I'll try."

"Here." I pulled out a blade from inside of my boot.

"Uhhh do you carry this everywhere?" He asks stopping in front of a warehouse.

"I carry about 10 everywhere I go." We got out of the car and we walked around looking for the door. We couldn't find one which is uh very sketchy.

I decided to step on one of the vents. Why? I don't know. I jumped on it multiple times.

"I don't think you should do that." Colton points out but I continued jumping up and down on it.

A second later I was sliding down the vent. The vent however was clear and not metal or brown or old or stinky.

"Geezus." I said as soon as I landed. I looked up to see Rafael standing in front of me with his arms crossed.

"Saph are you okay?" Colton's voice echos.

"Yep." I answered and looked back at Rafael. "Nice place."

The warehouse was big but it was separated into sections. One corner was a living room, another was a kitchen, and then a room. It was decorated nicely. He also had a big ring in the middle of the warehouse however.

"Saph I'm coming!" Colton shouts. I heard him jump and then squeal. He starts screaming and then before you know it he's laying on top of me.

"Nice job Colt." I muttered. He quickly gets off me and helps me up.

"So, this doesn't seem like a place where you'd keep the people you kidnap." Colton says and I softly punched his arm.

"That's because I don't kidnap people." Rafael answers.

"Oh." We both replied.

"So first off I need to know your names." Rafael says.



"Okay Colton you can sit over there. I have a bunch of games you could probably enjoy." He points over to where it looked like a man cave.

"Okay." Colton whispers. He slowly walks over there still keeping and eye on me.

"Sapphire." Rafael calls out my name. I turned to see was already in the ring. I got inside the ring in the opposite corner that he was standing.

"So what are you gonna teach me?"

"I'm gonna teach you how to wrestle."

"But that's like punching and kicking. I already know how to do that." I told him.

"There's more to wrestling than that." He shakes his head. "Can you tumble?"


"Good, let's get started then."


published: march 17th, 2021


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