chapter thirty eight

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"Thank you jesus, god everybody up there

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"Thank you jesus, god everybody up there. I owe you my life and everything I have." Marcus yells looking up into the sky. We were back at my warehouse in the hospital.

Saph had to get didn't have to get stitches since the blade didn't cut too deep. She didn't have an concussions or a broken nose. My girl was strong.

Rafael walks over to us. "I'm sorry for threatening to take your life before." I apologized quickly. He is girlfriend's dad. I need to make sure he likes me more than ever.

"It's fine, you didn't know."

"Yeah." I chuckled nervously.

"You can see her if you'd like. She's gonna be tired for a couple days but she is doing good." He smiles.

"Okay." I nodded walking towards the door.

"Sebastian?" He calls out making me turn around. "Thank you for taking good care of her."

"Yeah, always sir."

I walked into the room to see Marcus and Colton bothering her.

"You were like a rockstar Saph, a big rockstar." Marcus jumps up and down.

"Stop tugging on her arm. She's injured." Colton gently grabs her arm placing it down.

"Hey." Saph smiles at me.

"Hey baby."

"Colton, we gotta get out. They're about to fuck." Marcus pulled Colton out. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind them.

"How are you?" I asked standing between her legs. The nurses took all her needles out already since we've been here for eight hours and she was cleared to go.

"I'm good. I just can't stop thinking of Val." She whispers sadly. I gave her a look. "No not like that. I just feel bad for him. The guilt and regret on his face when I mentioned my mom and brother."

"It's what happens when you are raised by a crazy mad man."

"Yeah." She giggles softly. She was so cute sitting in her little gown.

"I was scared." I spoke making her look at me. "I don't know what would've happened if I lost you today. I'd probably go crazy and become a mad man myself." I said making us laugh.

"Well you didn't okay? I'm still here." She wraps her arms around my neck. "I'm still here and I'll all yours."

"All mine."


"I had a blade go into my arm not my leg!" She argued with me.

"Shush it women."

"What did you just say?" She snaps.

"Nothing." I mumbled quickly placing her on the bed.

Rafael drove us home, he was going to come back to tomorrow so we can have a talk that I was very nervous for. I mean I threatened to kill him. I had every right to be scared of him.

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