chapter twenty five

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I woke up with the sun beaming in my face

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I woke up with the sun beaming in my face. Why do I always forget to close the damn curtains?

I was laying on top of Sebastian's chest, my legs were tangled in his. He had both of his arms wrapped around my body tightly but very comfortably.

I traced the outline of his abs. I have a problem with tracing things.

I trailed down to his v-line and right before I could make it past into his boxers he grabs my hand.

"Don't do that unless you want me to fuck you so hard you'll be limping for a month." He mutters with his eyes still closed.

"I mean I wouldn't mind that." I teased giggling.

He wraps his other arm back and pulls me closer hugging me.

We laid there for about a couple more minutes until we had to get up. Sebastian was gonna stay home today to rest since he's been training everyday for the past couple weeks.

I went in my room to fix my hair while Sebastian got us breakfast. My hair was a mess. My curls were all over the place, I had hairs sticking left and right.

I went downstairs and sat on the stool watching him cut up fruits.

"You looked worried." I told him. He lifts his head up.

"I'm not."

"Don't lie to me." I look a piece of strawberry putting it on my mouth.

"I just feel like I should go out and train today." He sighs putting the knife down, I got off the stool and went over to hug him from behind.

"Don't stress yourself out babe. It's a one day break. One day without training isn't going to hurt. Plus you're gonna wear yourself out." He turns around so we're facing each other.

"You're right." He pecks my lips.

"Let's do something fun." I smirked.

"Something fun? What do you have in mind?" He asks sliding his hand under my shirt gripping onto my butt. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

I looked around and my eyes landed on a bag of flour that I probably accidentally left out while I was cleaning.

"Let's make a pizza." I said and his face falls.

"What? I thought you meant se—- Pizza sounds good too." He whines pouting.

"You're cute." I giggled tapping his nose and he rolls his eyes playfully.


"Sebastian help me with the dough." I whined.

"No, I'm working on the sauce." He says mixing the sauce on the floor.

"Why can't we switch?" I whined again. Yes I like to whine.


"Yes, very creative answer." I rolled my eyes.

I hated cooking. I don't know if it's because I almost chopped off my finger about seventy thousand times or because I hate touching raw meats but either way I just always hated cooking.

I rather mix the sauce the knead this dough.

"Please can we switch? I'll do anything." I pleaded.

"Anything?" He raises his eyebrow and grins.


I thought about it before nodding.

"Let me lick whip cream off your boobs." He smirks.


"No for dessert." He smirks. He gets off the ground and places the sauce on the counter.



"And?" I asked. What more could this man ask for?

He holds up a finger motioning for me to wait. He goes into the pantry and takes out an apron.

He walks over to me and takes my shirt off revealing my naked figure. Well I had underwear on.

"How are your boobs always perky?" He pinches my nipple and I slapped his hand away.

"I dunno."

He puts the apron on me and then turns me around to tie it.

"Ahhh beautiful." He turns me around and looks at me.

"Is this some part of your fantasy or something?" I asked. I had a blue floral apron on. It was pretty small so it was barely covering my boobs. I'm pretty sure he wanted it to look like that.

"No... well maybe. I had a dream and you were wearing this exact thing."

"What was the dream about?" I asked curiously.

"I can't remember. All I could remember was you and this apron and those boobs."

"You sir, have a weird obsession with boobs." I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"Just your boobs." He squeezed them both causing me to squeal.


published: february 17th, 2021

how are y'all today?

thanks for reading! i hope you guys enjoy your day/week. Remember to stay safe and love yourself, MUAH!

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