3. Under Water

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I pulled my swimsuit out of my bag and held it up in front of me. At first glance, it was pretty simple. Just a plain black swimsuit that I had recently brought on a shopping trip with my mum and brother. My brother, Ethan had moaned the whole time about how he could be in his room playing his playstation, but apart from him complaining it was a pretty good day. It ended with ice-cream, so that's a win in my book. It rose high on my chest so not an inch of cleavage was visible, not that I had much anyway. It covered my hips as well which was good, seeing as I hated showing off any part of my body that was not my face. 

The only thing was, when I brought it I didn't quite realise how low the back was. I'm not kidding, it probably reached to just above the small of my back dimples and to say I was embarrassed was an understatement. But, it was my only swimsuit so it would have to do. I got undressed and slipped in to it, before shoving my stuff in to a locker. I tapped my foot, waiting for Mia to hurry up. 

"Are you still alive in there?" I joked, hand on hip. "I'm getting wrinkles." 

"Almost done," she replied. 

Another couple of minutes passed by and Mia finally stepped out. I wolf whistled and she flipped her middle finger at me. I had absolutely had no reason to worry about anyone looking at me, not with how she looked. She was wearing a purple string bikini that showed every little bit of her lithe figure. Her pale skin had the faint glow of a summer tan and her brown hair was pulled into a loose bun. She could've been a model and all of a sudden, I felt very inadequate. I wasn't one to wear super girly clothes anyway, but I was starting to feel like the girl that everyone barely saw, even if I was standing right in front of them. 

"You look great," I smiled, looking up and down. "But how are your boobs staying in that thing?"

"With a lot of effort," she laughed. "Here, do you want to borrow a hair tie?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I've got one in my bag, thanks though."

I turned around and opened my locker when Mia wolf whistled behind me, imitating what I had done to her a moment ago. I looked at the entrance to the changing rooms - it was only us in there. 

"Who are you whistling at?" I asked, genuinely curious. 

She marched over to me and put her hands on my shoulders. "You, you idiot. You look hot."

"What? No, I don't," I argued, self consciously hugging myself. "You're the one in the teeny tiny bikini."

"Yeah, but have you seen your costume when you turn around. Hot damn."

I blushed. "Well, that's it then," I said as I tied my long, blonde hair in to a messy bun. "I can't go out there. Not looking like this."

"Oh shush," Mia said, walking towards the door. "You look gorgeous. Now come on, this is our last day to really enjoy the Summer before school on Monday. Do you really want to spend it sat in your room listening to Celine Dion?"

"There's nothing wrong with Celine Dion," I mumbled, trailing behind her. 

We both walked out the door and scanned the pool area. It looked like a couple more people had arrived since we had changed, including a group of about six young guys off at the far side of the pool. Mia waved and I caught sight of Jack and Nick sitting on a couple of sun loungers to the right. Nick and Jack's mouth opened when they caught sight of Mia and I rolled my eyes, following behind. As we moved closer, a sudden burst of cold water flicked up at my hip and I hissed in surprise. I held my arms out and looked down at myself for a moment, then back towards the pool. 

A little kid, probably no older than twelve was grinning up at me. He had crooked teeth and the bridge of his nose was covered in freckles. He looked very pleased with himself. "Whoops."

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