11. The Long Walk Home

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By the time the last bell let out its shrill ringing noise, I was practically clambering out of my seat. I ignored the bewildered look on Nick's face as I zoomed out of Math class faster than anybody else. I would normally have walked out with him and then met up with Jack, but today was different. Today was the day I was walking home with Caleb. 

I'd texted Jack to let him know I wouldn't be walking home with him. He replied asking me why, but I just said I was going to be running a little late. I was a coward. For some reason, I felt like I couldn't tell him that I was walking home with Caleb. I felt awful lying to him, like I was keeping some massive secret but I wasn't. It just felt like this was my own little thing, that I didn't have to share with anyone else. I'm sure Jack would understand. When he dated Olivia, he did things without me. I kept trying to rationalise it in my head as I walked outside and aimed for the large oak tree. 

I looked at my watch as the minutes ticked by. It was a gloriously sunny day and I watched as people wandered by with their caps and sunglasses on, chatting and laughing. I could feel tiny streaks of sunlight creeping on to my skin through the leaves and it felt wonderful. I took off my hoodie and wrapped it around my waist, tying up my hair in a loose ponytail. Another few minutes ticked by and I saw Jack jogging down the steps. 

Without thinking, I hid behind the oak tree quickly and breathed in. A girl walked past me and gave me a questioning look. I ignored her and kept my eyes on Jack. He was laughing about something with Nick and I watched as they both made their way over to the bike sheds. They were in there for a few minutes before they both appeared. After chatting for a while, Nick rode off on his bike and Jack took one last look at the school. Even from behind the tree, I could see that he looked deep in thought. 

Suddenly, his gaze swivelled to the oak tree and I could've sworn he looked right at me. I cringed and pressed my body against the large trunk, almost trying to mould myself in to it. My nose was pressed against the bark and and a small spider started to make its way towards me. I watched it as it shimmied down its little web. I angled my head and peeked out from behind the tree and let out a sigh of relief as Jack rode off around the corner and disappeared from view. I let out a sigh of relief and ducked out from behind the tree , wiping my jeans and face. 

Caleb caught sight of me and wandered over. I felt really guilty for lying to Jack, but it vanished as I watched Caleb jog down the steps and hurry over to me. He gave me a questioning look. 

"Were you hiding behind the tree?"

"Me?" I pointed to myself. "No, no. I was just hanging out, people watching."

"From behind the tree?" he repeated. 

"I could see how it would look weird, but sometimes people act differently when they don't know you're there."

He gave me a funny look. "You're a strange one, aren't you?"

I shrugged. 'Not so much strange, more normality challenged."

He chuckled softly and we fell in step beside each other. I barely came up to his shoulders so I had to angle my head upwards to talk to him. He was wearing his leather jacket and I wondered how on Earth he could be wearing it in this weather. 

"So tell me something interesting about you?" He asked, glancing down at me. 

I cringed. "I don't think there's anything interesting to tell."

"Now that can't be true."

"Have you seen me?" I grimaced, waving my hand down. 

"Actually, you were the very first person I noticed," he murmured softly. 

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