12. Saturday Night Fever

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The next day at school was pretty uneventful, to say the least. I barely saw Caleb and when I saw Jack in the hallway he just carried on walking. I pretty much just spent the whole day with Mia and Nick. I'd asked Nick at lunch if there was something wrong with Jack, but he shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything. 

I soon forgot about it though, as Saturday rolled around. I was having breakfast with mum when dad and Ethan joined the table. Ethan was still in his pyjamas and my dad was in his lounge pants and a t-shirt that had 'best dad,' written on it. I had gotten it for him last father's day and he'd worn it more than any other shirt. It made me a little proud. They both took their seats and reached for the stack of pancakes in the middle. 

That's why I had gotten to the table so early on a Saturday morning. If I hadn't, they would have all been gone by the time I had arrived. 

"So today's the big day," my dad smiled, pouring honey all over his plate. "Or should I say, the big date."

"I can't believe somebody would want to date you," Ethan pulled a face. "That's so gross."

'Your face is gross," I replied, sticking my tongue out at him. 

"Stop it, you two," my mother scolded, before reaching for the raisin bran. Unlike the rest of us, she was quite a healthy eater. That probably explained her exceptional figure and flawless skin at her age. She looked better than most mums. I hoped I looked like her when I was older. 

"What?" I grumbled, "He started it."

"Well you can finish it," my dad said, exasperated. "So what are everyone's plans today?"

"I was thinking we could drive in to town and maybe go shopping. I need a few bits and we could go for some late lunch?"

"That sounds great," my dad nodded and glanced at Ethan. "What do you say, pal?" 

He looked deep in thought for a moment. I would never admit it, but he looked sorta cute with his unruly red hair and little button nose. He was still a little devil in disguise, though. Never let him fool you. 

"I'm in," he finally said. "But only if we can stop by the ice-cream place too."

They both glanced at my mum and she rolled her eyes in defeat. "Fine, we'll go to the ice-cream place as well. You two are insatiable."

"What about you, honey?" Dad asked me, shovelling a forkful of pancakes in to his mouth. "Will you be joining us?"

I hesitated. "Actually, I was thinking about inviting Mia round if you don't mind? She was going to help me pick out an outfit and advise me on first date etiquette." Not that I needed any. It probably wasn't even a date. 

"I see," my dad said, nodding thoughtfully. "Well that's fine, if that's what you want to do."

"It is," I affirmed. I noticed my mum staring at me with a small smile on her face. "What?"

"Nothing," she waved her hand dismissively. "It's just, my baby's growing up."

"It's just one date," I cried, slightly embarrassed.

I picked up my fork and shovelled a load of pancakes in to my mouth. I avoided eye contact and just looked down at the table. I could feel my parent's eyes on me. I hated it when they got all weird about stuff. Sometimes, it felt like they treated me like a kid. I know they meant well, but I just wanted to shout at the top of my lungs that I was sixteen years old. I never did, though. 

"Can I go up to my room now?" Ethan asked, wolfing down the rest of his pancakes. "I want to go on my Playstation for a bit." 

My mum nodded. "Yes, but you better be dressed and ready to go at eleven thirty sharp. If you're not, no more Playstation for a week."

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