22. Friday Night Blues

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I waved at Mia's mum as she drove off. She had dropped Mia, Caleb and I outside of the bowling alley ready for our big, Friday night out. The bowling alley was a large, red brick building with a sign hung above the door saying, ' Frank's Bowing Alley Deluxe.' It didn't look so deluxe, but I was wrong as I entered through the double doors at the front. 

There must have been about twenty different lanes to choose from, all lit up by dazzling fluorescent lights and multicoloured spotlights. There were racks of bowling balls behind each lane and at the far side of the space there was a bar and an arcade. Even though it was already 8pm, there were families with young children playing on the machines and echoes of laughter reverberated through the large room. We all went up to the counter in front and handed over our money. 

I sat down on the bench at the side and began changing my shoes over. I'd always hated the thought of sharing someone else's foot sweat, but I suppose I would have to make the sacrifice if I wanted to win the game, which I did. Why play if you don't play to win?

"You ready to lose," Caleb smiled beside me, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"That's what you think," I grinned, hopping up and jumping up and down a few times, making sure my shoes were on properly. 

I walked around in a small circle, limbering and stretching my legs and arms. I ignored the amused looks of Caleb and Mia as they stared at me. Mia shook her head and jumped up. 

"I don't even know what lane we're supposed to use," Mia replied.  

From the way she was dressed, I wasn't really sure that she would be able to bowl that effectively. She was wearing a tiny, denim dress that barely reached to mid-thigh. It was low-cut in the front and she wore a chunky, gold necklace that hung between her cleavage. Her hair was loose and wavy and hung down over her shoulders. Her smoky eyes looked sensational against her lightly tanned skin. A bit self-consciously, I hiked up my black jeans and smoothed down my flannel shirt. I had made an effort though, I was wearing a light lashing of mascara and a delicate, peach lip balm that I had borrowed from my mum earlier. 

Almost as if he sensed my self-doubt, Caleb slipped an arm around me and pulled me in to his side. "You look amazing," he whispered against my ear, goosebumps erupting over my skin. 

"Hey guys, over here!" A voice suddenly shouted from the far left lane.

I looked towards the voice and saw Nick beckoning us over, waving his arm. As we made our way over, I caught sight of Jack and Olivia sat on the bench facing us. Olivia was wearing a white mini-dress with her hair scraped back in to a tight bun. It made her features look very severe, but still gorgeous, even though I hated to admit it. My gaze travelled over to Jack. He was just wearing his usual jean shorts and a pale, blue t-shirt that showed off his tan. His hair was pushed back messily and I felt the familiar urge to go over and brush my fingers through it. Instead, I just clung on Caleb a little bit tighter. If I was hugging on to him, then I wouldn't be tempted to go over.

"Hi everyone," Mia chirped beside me, clapping her hands together. "Oh, I'm so excited! I've been waiting to do this for the last few days."

"Yeah man, it'll be great," Nick echoed, turning his attention towards the monitor in the middle. 

He began typing everyone's names as Mia stood next to him, rolling her eyes when he typed Jack as 'Jack Attack' and himself as 'Nick Fury.' Caleb and I took a seat opposite Jack and Olivia. Caleb placed his hand on my knee and Jack's eye darted to it momentarily, before he placed his hand on Olivia's leg. 

"You guys ready to play?" I asked with a hesitant smile. 

"Absolutely," Jack smiled back. "You know I'm great at bowling."

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