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I blink. Once. Twice. Thrice.

"I'm sorry WHAT?!"

Dad clears his throat, "Brooks, uh-" "I'll just make a move alright? I think I have to drop my son somewhere." Catherine says, standing up hurriedly. "Cath, how are you going? Wait I'll drop you." Dad says, about to stand up, but she holds his shoulder down, "No it's alright, I'll call an Uber, it's fine. Really. Thanks M-Henry."

With that she shoots me an apologetic look and scurries off. I turn to dad, anger building inside me, "What's your excuse this time?"

He sighs, "It's no excuse Brooks, it's just-" he sighs again, "Her dad okay? Her dad is old and he-he wanted to see his daughter happy and married before he dies. I met him and Catherine told me that her dad likes me too and..he has only about a month left according to the doctor, Brooks. That's the only reason I did it without informing you. It had to be fast."

I scoff and cross my arms over my chest, "Yeah so what her dad wants is more important than what your daughter does right? Yes of course! It always is! I am never your first choice. It's always what someone else needs that is more important than what your own freaking daughter needs!"

"Brooklyn it's not like that!" He exclaims, standing up and walking away. I do the same and walk in front of him, "What is then huh?! Dad you lying to me about her is okay, understandable or whatever. But this is ONE STEP TOO FAR OKAY? You got freaking engaged to her without me even meeting the lady!"

"You met her today. Didn't you like her?" He asks and I sigh, "Dad this is once. I met her once. And meeting someone once isn't enough to let me get to know who she really is. Obviously she would be good to me and nice today but so was Cinderella's stepmother."

"You're really comparing your life to Cinderella's?" Dad snorts and I nod, " Yes. Yes I am. But at least her dad went for business trips and business trips only."  

"Listen Brooklyn I am your father! You have no right speaking to me like that! Have some respect!" He yells at me but i stand firm, "Respect is earned dad. Not asked for. Maybe you would have some of mine if you didn't always lie and do things behind my back."

His jaw clenches and I raise my brow, challenging him to make another excuse up. After some time he shakes his head, "Listen to me." He says, "I really don't like doing this to you Brooks. You're my daughter. Yes. I should have asked you because this isn't a small thing, getting married. But do you trust me?" I stare at him in disbelief, "You really expect me to trust you after I just told you how you do things behind my back?"

He sighs, "Please Brooklyn. Catherine is a really nice person. She'll treat you like her own daughter. Do you know how long she's been waiting to meet you? How excited she was? But because you kept going here and there the entire week, she never got the chance to meet you and we had to get engaged without you knowing."

"Well I'm sorry for having a social life and actually enjoying my last teenage years before graduation." I say and shake my head, "Wait by the way. When did you'll even get engaged in the first place?" "2 days back. But it was just a court engagement. Nothing big." He says as if it makes a difference. "Obviously it wasn't something big. If it was, I'm pretty sure I would have known about it." I say, looking away.

"Please Brooks." he says softly, holding my shoulders, "I'll have you meet her again okay? You'll can get to know each other before the wedding." I bite the inside of my cheek and look down, holding back tears, "When's the wedding?" I ask and I can hear a smile on his face when he says, "In a couple of weeks." I look up, shocked, "In a couple of weeks?" He nods, "Yeah, Brooklyn. Her dad has only about a month, remember?"

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