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"Brooklyn, you look beautiful!" Elisha says, after she's done with my makeup. She's pretty good to be honest.

Dad invited her to come over and help Luna-Skye and me get ready today and I couldn't even reject that because everyone was around. So now I'm forced to have her around when I'm already so nervous.

She said she's not going to hurt you anymore, Brooklyn. Just give her a chance before judging, will you?

I smile, "Thanks, Elisha. It's your doing." She grins and flips her hair dramatically.

I shake my arms, trying to get rid of the nerves filling every inch of my body only thinking about the possibility of me embarrassing myself today.

Today is THE big day. And I can't process that this all is really happening. I refrained from calling mom to help me calm down because...obviously

I go to my table and open a packet of Skittles, eating one after another in attempt to relieve my stress.

"You're eating before the wedding?" She asks, looking a little judgey. "Yeah, why not?" I ask, still chewing. She shrugs, "I don't know you may get a  tummy maybe, right?"

I look down at my stomach. I'm not super thin, but I'm not fat either. So I do have a little tummy but I never really thought of it much until now. Maybe she's right. This dress is body fitting too, it might be better not to eat now.

"Oh my god, food!" Luna-Skye exclaims, entering my room with her heels clicking. She takes some from the packet and instantly starts eating them, muttering an apology for her impolite manners.

I wave it off and give her the full packet. "You don't want any?" She asks and I shake my head, "No, I-I don't want a tummy for the wedding."

She gives me a look that says 'are you serious', "Brooklyn, c'mon everyone has a tummy. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. You won't gain 10 pounds eating this now. Just have some."

My eyes flit to Elisha who shrugs, "Yeah, she's right. Go ahead, I was kidding."

She definitely wasn't.


I dig my fingers into my palms to stop myself from itching my eye and ruining the eyeliner for the second time.

The bride's father and my 2 little cousins(the only good ones) who were the flowergirl and page boy have just walked into the reception. Now it's our turn.

After the wedding ceremony, there was a photoshoot lasting almost 45 minutes before we finally got to the reception area.

"Dude can you chill? We're only entering the wedding hall, not a warzone. Jeez!" Elliot says, annoyed at me. I don't blame him. I am over-reacting, I would have been, or rather am annoyed at myself too.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me hear a loud round of applause for our beautiful newlyweds, Henry and Catherine Taylor!" The emcee announces, hyping the crowd up and the live band starts playing an upbeat wedding entrance song.

People line up at the sides of the rectangular hall with confetti filled hands, waiting in anticipation for the couple.

As we walk behind Luna-Skye and Ryan, my eyes search for my particular someone.

I finally spot him a few feet away, looking straight at me with his lips parted open and a look of admiration sparkling in his blue eyes. My face flushes red as we near him and when we do, he sprinkles half his confetti on me with a wink, causing me to giggle and earn a weird look from Elliot.

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