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The story can wait! But your prayer won't!
So please pray and come.. The story isn't going anywhere.


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The doctors rush in pushing Mushk out, Zohan comes running towards her and holds her arm in his tight grip.

"What did you do?" He angrily whispers to her, who looks back at him shocked, more than shocked she was angry at him for saying this.

"Wha..." Mushk was interrupted by a doctor who came out wearing a happy expression.

He is responding to our medicines. Whatever you just did, keep doing it please. If Allah wills then we will have him back." Doctor says this and leaves after patting Zohan's shoulder who forced out a smile.

Mushk's happiness knew no bounds. She was ecstatic to get her brother back and why won't she? He was her only family and she wanted him back at any cost.

She was about to go inside but her happiness was short-lived because the monster beside her roughly holds her arm and drags her out of there.

Pushing her in the passenger seat and buckling Mujtaba who was confused by all this. He jogs towards the driving seat and soon they are at home. Mushk was livid at his behavior, lava was bubbling inside her. She wanted to beat this man who stopped her from approaching her own brother.

"What the fuck is wrong with Zohan? Get your shit together okay or else tell me! We will try to solve it but you acting like this won't help!" Mushk angrily screams at him who sits on the sofa glaring at his wife who was raging like a bull.

Mujtaba walks up and takes Murtuza out from there. He was too mature for his age. He already sensed some tension between them in the car.

"Why the hell did you drag me back here? My brother would've been fine and back to his feet, he would've been able to see his children. See how Murtuza is growing, don't you think he craves for his father?" Mushk angrily yells at him who gets up and goes towards her. She immediately steps back thinking he is gonna slap her again.

"Listen to me well, you won't be going to see him anymore. Stop your visits or I will take the kid's sole custody whenever I want too." He calmly tells her as if his words didn't shook Mushk's whole world.

Mushk was aghast at his words, she knew that this man officially lost his senses. How can he stop her from visiting her own brother?

"You have no bloody right to do so! Try to stop me if you can but I won't sit quietly when I have a chance to get my brother back." Mushk glares at him, her eyes dripping in hatred.

This is what Zohan was afraid of, hatred. He didn't want her hatred but his actions caused her to hate him.

Zohan didn't have an answer to her question why. He just didn't want Mushk to go away from him and he knew as soon as Mustafa would be up he would take her away from him after knowing the truth and also she will narrate all the incident. He knew he won't be spared if Mustafa comes to know that he raised his hand on Mushk, she was the apple of his eyes, his first child he used to say.

Not having an answer, he leaves from there secretly taking her phone out of her bag and locks the door from outside. Mushk rushes towards the main door hearing the lock.

She tries to open and starts banging the door.

"Zohan you cannot do this to me! Open the door!" Mushk yells and continues to bang the door.

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