chapter ten

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chapter ten, lucky london

EMILIA HAD OBVIOUSLY agreed to the stay in London

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EMILIA HAD OBVIOUSLY agreed to the stay in London. She absolutely loved the city and with Jane Glastonbury enticing you into it, you were barely able to pick a reason why not to. The four, (Emilia, Jane, Dorian and their new companion Evan) were to stay at Evan's father's home, stacked with maids, butlers and cooks already. It was perfect, Jane had decided and she had been writing to people for weeks, telling them of their stay.

Emilia herself, was rather sad to be staying in London and yet not staying at the La Croix. So wrote to Madam Pince about her visit and told her she would be over almost every day, the woman was overjoyed with the news and had told her she could barely wait for them to arrive.

Emilia, since having a shorter journey than the other three since she could easily go by train had packed almost five cases of luggage, which of course did not amount to Jane's whopping number of eight cases as she realised she could not choose at the moment and would do so when she finished.

It was now, as she stepped off the train and felt the London air hit her face did she smile, showing the man with the rather large trolley where her carriage was awaiting for her to bring her to Lord Faucett's estate. As soon as everything was packed and ready, sure that it was not going to fall once the carriage moved, she was off down the streets of London, excited for the week ahead of her.

She truly missed London, Emilia. The people going on and about their day, the newspapers being sold, and the inspirational speech heard from just around the street, it was a rather odd city yes...But a beautiful one.

It wasn't long before the carriage came to a stop outside the estate, her door being opened by Dorian who had a large smile on his face, "Ready for a week of madness all planned by ours truly, Jane Glastonbury?" He teased, said girl running out the front doors at the sight of her dearest friend.

"Finally! I thought you would have never have of gotten here!" She exclaimed, slowing down as she got nearer as Dorian helped Emilia out of the carriage. "Come! We were just playing a game of cards before you arrived. Quick before Evan has the chance to cheat." She said as she pulled her up the grand stairs to Evan's estate, or well his parents.

"I heard that!" A voice called from outside, being pulled into the room she was met with the image of Evan Faucett smoking a cigar and holding up his cards playfully. "A good fine gentleman would never cheat."

"It is terrible for us that you are not one, my friend." Said Dorian, sitting down and picking up his cards. "Could someone go help that poor footman out with Emilia's luggage please." He then spoke as he sat down on the four seater game table, pointing his hand loosely towards the entrance hall the three had just entered through, two servants scurrying out through the door as soon as the words left his lips, although it made no difference to the amount of servants standing by the walls of the room, ready to be called upon whenever.

"Emilia, will you play a round?" Jane asked, sitting herself down at the table, her seat being pulled out and pushed in by a servant.

"Not this round, I'll let you win one at least." She teased, sitting down by the sofa but moving her body around and resting her hands on the back of it to watch the trio play.

"You are not as good as you boast, Emilia. I do remember we had a quite even score last time." She said, looking over to the girl with a smirk before placing a card down.

"Oh no Jane, she is much better than you." Dorian grinned, laughing as she gave him an un-amused face, Emilia watched as Jane kicked him under the table with a sly grin.

"The audacity Dorian Fez, I might just write to your mother for the rudeness you have shown me this trip, and it's only started!" She cried dramatically, the four laughing before they continued on with their game.

It was only until after dinner did their excited moods wear off and the four decided to read in peace down by the drawing room before Evan interrupted them all, "I'm never one for reading." He spoke, looking up from the book he had been skimming over for the past while.

"One would say reading is the branch of all intelligence." Emilia said, looking up from her romance book she had found at the back of the bookshelf.

"I must have little to none then, I don't think I remember the last time I fully read through a book and finished it." He laughed, setting the book down and leaning back into his armchair.

"What? Your set book for secondary school?" Dorian teased, a laugh emitting from his lips as he spoke. "I'm pretty sure you never read one book during our whole university experience, not even our textbook."

"Ah, so that is where the two of you know each other from." Emilia collected, setting her book down on her lap as to not loose the page. "I was wondering, if you had of met at boarding, Jane and I would have known the two of you also."

"Oh believe me, I would've much rather went to whatever toss you went to Dorian." Evan laughed, "Mine was absolutely horrible, the headmaster hated me, hated me." He continued, looking over to Emilia to continue their conversation.

"Oh, I so wonder why with your absolute love for books." She laughed, the candle's around them and the fire roaring as the only sign of light as it was much more calming as Jane had put it. A small chuckle was heard from Jane as she spoke, not looking up from her book, the other two with smiles that showed their pearly teeth.

It wasn't until a while later did all attend to bed, awaiting for the day they had ahead of them when the sun shone.

kind of a filler chapter tbh before sherlock and emilia meet again hehehe

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