chapter fourteen

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chapter fourteen, a marriage takes place

THE QUARTED HADN'T woken up until late in the afternoon that night, all collectively deciding to have lunch as soon as possible seeing as they were all starving, they also all decided to stay in for the day and not go out, keeping inside and hopin...

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THE QUARTED HADN'T woken up until late in the afternoon that night, all collectively deciding to have lunch as soon as possible seeing as they were all starving, they also all decided to stay in for the day and not go out, keeping inside and hoping no visitors would enter through their doors. Evan had said he'd quite absolutely knocked someone out if they did knock, Emilia wouldn't be surprised if he did.

The four were now laying about in the large drawing room, Jane was writing a letter to her husband at the desk whilst Evan and Dorian sat playing cards with a drinks in their hands. Emilia was sat reading the book she had found on her first day, seeing as there weren't much of a choice.

"Emilia, could you play on the piano forte for me? I have an aching headache.." Jane asked, turning around to face her friend who was sitting on the chair in front of the lit fireplace. Emilia nodded to her, getting up and moving towards the piano that sat grandly in the corner of the room. She knew a few tunes by heart seeing as her piano tutor and mother made her practice nearly every morning before and after lessons as a child. She began the tune Claire de Lune, one she had learnt in her days of boarding.

Evan let out some smoke from his cigarette, leaning back in his chair, his cards in his opposite hand and staring over at the girl as Dorian sorted his cards out, trying to hide them as much as he could from his friend. She was beautiful and had a good figure, and she didn't talk much, rather shy, he liked that in woman though, unless he were to take them to bed, he smirked at that thought, looking down to her rather exposed chest before being snapped out of it by Dorian who set down his card with a proud sigh, Evan quickly placed down the card that easily beat his friend before grinning at him and taking another smoke. He saw her last night with that other man, Sherlock Holmes of all people and couldn't get that image out of his mind. He had definitely been shocked that she of all people knew a man like him although then he remembered her quite vast dowry to her name and smirked yet again, his eyes travelling over to her again as she focused on the peace at hand.

The music went on for a while, Evan appreciated she was a woman of many talents and had kept on wondering through out the day just how many talents she had, the thought of her plaguing her minds, his rather sexual thoughts as she sat innocently in the sofa just next to his, unaware of the man beside her.

Dorian had talked about her many times, yet Evan didn't think she'd be that attractive with her desirable body, plump lips and body parts sticking out in all the right places, and don't even get Evan started on her lips, pink and always being bit down in thought or concentration as she read.

Emilia had went back to her book after a while, wanting to see exactly how it ended seeing as she was somehow now invested it and had thought of giving it to Jane next so she could read though it also and talk about it with her. Jane had long since finished her letter, which after finishing her book Emilia got up to go write a letter to her brother.

Dear, Will

I am staying at 65 Abbey Road, I asked my host if you would be able to visit last night and he replied happily with a yes. Please come, I have missed you even more since last seeing you somehow, bring your little girlfriend if you want ;)

Your dearest sister,

She then did up the address for her brothers boarding house and gave it to a servant asking if he could get someone to bring it to the post office for her, he nodded in reply and made his way out of the room, closing the door almost silently as if he had not left at all.

It was a long day for the four, finally all deciding it was time for dinner where they were met with a huge roast chicken meal that they all cheered at, wine was poured and soon they were all joking around once again and laughing. "I can't stop to think how long it must've taken Mr Ruthford into that ball." Jane laughed, "He looked absolutely distraught that he was there."

"I would not have been surprised if I had seen him cry while passing." Evan joked, the table laughing along with him, Jane was leaned across the table, her elbows sitting on the table as she spoke, which was highly unladylike but Emilia noted Jane never truly cared for as she had survived all those years without any discipline and had still found a husband, due to her mothers best efforts and her fathers money of course but still, it counted.

"Oh I did feel bad for the man." Dorian laughed, "I can't imagine going out with Madam Ruthord." He laughed. "You'd have to pay me more than the King Edward's worth." He laughed, taking a last swing of his alcohol before it was quickly refilled by a servent.

They spent the rest of their dinner laughing before retiring to the drawing room once again, all heading off doing their own thing. Emilia decided to sit and embroider a pattern into a piece of cloth that she had brought with her, deciding she would try some patterns to add to the dress she was making back home. Evan was off in his own world reading the newspaper, Dorian reading a book, and Jane sitting by the fire, warming her hands.

"Well, would you look at that." Evan spoke, interrupting the calm silence with a loud laugh. "A new Mrs Holmes to the family, just married today. Never thought he'd be one to settle down."

Emilia had dropped her items as soon as she had heard the words leave his lips, looking over to the man who was showcasing the title, "HOLMES AND SMITH ALLIGNED TOGETHER IN MATRIMONY." Evan looked over to her and she quickly looked away picking up her items before standing up.

"I'm rather tired from last night still, I think a good sleep will do me good. I'll see you in the morning." She said quickly, her body straight as a needle as she walked to the door, the servants opened it up and she turned to the group before leaving saying a quick "Goodnight." leaving Evan Forcett with a sly smirk on his face as he took another sip of wine.

i literally love reading everyones comments omg ejfsjgnr

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