Chapter 3

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We were overspeeding to I don't know where. Dean wasn't talking and neither was I and to be honest, things were better that way. If it were up to me, I would not even breathe. Because it only brought me pain.

With every passing second, I kept seeing flashes, pieces of things that happened. The dinner I had prepared, the text from Dean, the water , and then blank. There was a time gap until when I woke up to Dean breathing fire. All that memory kept hurting my head and I wanted to just close my eyes and sleep forever.

I think I fell asleep. All I remember was a slight tap on my shoulder, that got me jumping up.I got out, my eyes nervously, scanning my new surrounding.

"Why are we at a hospital? I want to go home" I said, turning to the car but he caught me.

"Baby, We just need a little checkup before we go home. "He reassured coming after me. But I deciphered the quaking in his voice. He feared something.

" You are lying to me, that man in the hotel, who was he? Why was I with him? "I turned to face him. That question seemed to have hit a nerve, and his expression was all crestfallen. Seeing as he did not want to tell me, I reached for the door.

"Wait." I stopped. "I will tell you everything when you are calm. First we need to get this out of the way. "he said holding me by the shoulder." I nodded yes. He placed a kiss on my forehead before we got inside

A month had gone by and I didn't really remember much. Most of the events were just a blurr. I mean, I remembered speeding to the hospital, with Dean breaking every single traffic rule, and the next thing, I was in a room having machines towards my area.

Then, it was this bald police officer, who kept asking me the last time I had sex. Then, the one who wheeled me to his office and the promise to give me the result as soon as possible.

They never did. Dean did tell me anything either. And he changed too.

He had security posted outside our house day and night. No one knew what happened to me and it was so embarrassing that I opted to keep it in the room with a red door, together with many bad things that happened to me in the past. I always spent my day at home giving excuses to my friends as to why I couldn't go out with them anymore. Well except Patrick.

Patrick was always there being nice, chivalrous and consistently kind to me.I think he knew and it was nice that he didn't pressure me or judged me. Whenever Dean was away at work or drinking, which is usually the case, he stayed with me. But I still missed my husband and I wished that he would just go back to his old self soon.

Ever since the hotel insident, he became different. He barely stayed at home and every time he showed up, he was wasted .

Right now, I am in my bedroom, at 11pm waiting for him to come home from work. I mean, it was Thursday and I hadn't seen him the whole week and I just missed him. I was lonely and miserable. I know that Patrick just left a couple of seconds ago, but it only reminded me on how alone I had been the entire time, and it was not fair

I did not know what to do anymore. I was tired of crying myself to every single night  and I didn't know how to explain his behavior to our children either. It was obvious, he was going through something, but he didn't want to share.

I was almost falling asleep, when I heard the honking. Someone was hooting like crazy outside my house that late in the night? I quickly walked to the window to see a car leaving. Someone had driven him home.
Soon after, the door bell buzzed. It buzzed again and again. Sighing, I decided to go get it.

I reached the living room to find Juliette helping him up. He was more than wasted this time. He couldn't even be steady on his free. My heart broke, seeing him like that. It was like he completely forgot he had a family. The whole week, he hadn't seen them awake, because he always came in late. I swallowed a lump and stepped forward. "I will take it from here." I whispered sadly, getting him to drape his arm around my shoulder. "Just go back to bed." She nodded and zoomed off.

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