-+*Chapter Sixteen*+-

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TW!: Use of the f-slur, suggestive language, and slight mental disorders.

Sugawara's POV

I wake up in the same warm embrace I fell asleep in. It was still dark outside, meaning it was still before 6 am. I try to fall back asleep but as much as I tried, I couldn't.

I look up at Daichi and he was asleep. His eyebrows always furrowed when he was asleep, his hair was always bushy, and his eyes were usually shut tighter than most.

I could hear the small raindrops falling from the roof onto the glass of the window. The moon peaked through the window, causing some light to get through.

Daichi pulls me closer, entangling his legs with my own. I bow my head in his chest and sigh. Just go back to sleep. Go back to sleep.

Before I knew it, the alarm went off, causing me to jump. Daichi hurries and turns it off before going back to where he was, signing.

"Are you up...?" He asks, again pulling me closer, as if we weren't close enough, "mhm...I've been up." He kisses the top of my head, "well, good morning then."

"Mhm...morning." I take in his scent, it wasn't the same as what it was but it was okay. It smelt good.

"Did you sleep well?" I shrug, "I don't know, kind of."

"What time did you wake up?" I shrug again, "I don't know. Before 6? Four maybe."

"You only got two hours of sleep, you know that right?" I nod, "yeah, it's okay though. It's better than none..."

"Why do I have a feeling you've done that before?"

"Done what?"

"Not sleep at all."

"Because you know me, and know that I can do that." I look up at him and smile. I wrap my arms around him, which was pretty difficult since he was much bigger than I was, still a lot more muscular.

He raises my jaw so I was looking at him again and he smirks, "what?"

"You have dry drool on your face." I feel myself get embarrassed so I try to look away but he stopped me by keeping my jaw in the same spot, "it's nothing to be embarrassed about, Sugar." He chuckles but I do manage to push him off, "I-It is to!" I sit up and cross my arms, sitting down in front of him. He smiles before sitting up, tilting his head, "you know you can't be serious for long, Suga." He smiles wider and a grin shows onto my face as I look away, "s-stop! I'm trying!" He laughs softly as he places his forehead onto my shoulder, "w-what are you doing?"

"Just a second, sh..." I bite the inside of my cheek, getting anxious. My heart rate starts going up, "do I really do that much to you?"


"You're heart beat went up." He sits up and smirks at me, "so do I really do that much from just touching you?" I shake my head, "s-stop teasing me...w-we need to get to Tokyo...let's get up now."

"Fine, fine." He gives me a small kiss before getting up.

What exactly are you guys? You still got to remember that-

"Hey, you okay?" I blink a couple times and look at him, "o-oh! Yeah...I'm okay." I get up and grab some clothing and a towel, "I'll be right back..."

Now listen. What are you guys? Friends with small benefits? Boyfriends? What?

I don't know...

You basically said your feelings for him but did he ever confirm his?

...yeah...he kind of did.

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