Dark past

580 11 0

7 AM
Y/N's room

My alarm starts blaring in my ears waking me up. I took my phone to cut it out. I tried to get up but I couldn't. I lowered my head and saw... her. She is here, her arms around me and mine around her. How is that even possible? We fall asleep as far as we could from each other. If she woke up, I think we will find my body a few days later, completely bruised and broken. Even if I'm feeling pretty g- What am I thinking?! Y/N, be serious a little bit! I looked at my phone, 7.05 AM. I still have a little bit of time left, I can always go back to sl...

Natsuki: "Hmm?"

Shit! She is waking up, well, guess I die. I close my eyes before she opens hers. Maybe she will have mercy if she thinks I'm still asleep. I feel her move a bit, I do everything I can to make her believe that I'm asleep. A quiet "Oh" escape her mouth and nothing came out after that except silence. She doesn't move an inch and doesn't do anything. A few seconds later, I feel her hugging me even more tightly than before. I can hear her sniffing and... sobbing? I open my eyes and see her against my shoulder, crying her eyes out.

Y/N: "Natsuki, what's wrong?"

She looks up at me, her teary eyes lock in mine.

Natsuki: "Y/N, I... I l-like y-you Y/N... Very m-much... B-But... I f-feel l-like... I'm here a-and if I b-blink... I'll awake i-in my r-room at m-my fath- HIS place... I-I'm scared th-that everything h-here is a dream... Th-that I finally ma-manage to escape is j-just an illusion. A-and if it's n-not, I'm s-scared that he w-will come to t-take me b-back to that p-p-place."

I listen to her, telling me everything that happened to her for most of her life. Without a word, I gently hug her closer to me.

Y/N: "You don't have to worry about that Natsuki, I won't let him hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you."

Natsuki: "Promise?"

Y/N: "I don't like to make promises that I can't keep Natsuki, but I can assure you that I'll do everything I can to not let that happened again.

Without a word, she puts her head on my torso while I'm patting her back. What is this feeling? It's the first time I experience something like that. It's not unpleasant it's just... bizarre. Could it be her? Anyways I-

Natsuki: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hmm?"

Natsuki: "How did you get that?"

She gently points towards my right waist and my... scar. A huge scar that never could leave without disappearing totally. I can remember that day I would give anything to forget...

2.39 AM

We get closer and closer to our destination. They wanted me to take care of it, no surprise. The boat gets to the docks and we get down.

???: "Hawk and *static*, you go on ahead. *static*, *static*, you stay behind to cover them."

We took our weapons, leave the boat and we go towards our target. The house can be seen, we'll have to make this quick and sneaky. This asshole killed so many bystanders by now. The house is well guarded, but hell – wouldn't be funny otherwise, right? I equipped my suppressor on my SP 2022 and I prepare for the show.

Y/N: "You see them?"

???: "Two insight, before the door. Heavily armed..."

Y/N: "Weapon type?"

???: "Assaults riffles, M4A1. A sniper on the roof too."

Y/N: "Is there any way we could take them down without a noise?"

???: "Hmm... It's doable, there are some bushes around them and it is night time, if we could sneak behind them, it could work."

I nod and we execute our plan. They are talking to each other so less chance for them to hear us. At the time we were both ready, we synchronized takedown them by plunging a knife in their neck and cover their mouth to not let them scream. They fall to the floor, dead. I search them and found a blue access card. I hope that will open the door... I place it in front of the sensor and the lock of the door unlock.

???: "It's all on you now. Fast and effective okay? Because we don't have all the time in the world and we have to go back before dawn."

Y/N: "I know, I know..."

???: "I stay here to look after you."

Y/N: "Alright."

I got inside the house and search for the bedrooms. Gun in hand, I found the master bedroom, and... There he is. That son of a bitch who has so much destruction on his hands... I slowly creep towards his bed, he seems asleep. Perfect. I aim at his head and without hesitation, I shoot. My job now done, I go out of the room. I quickly go back to the do-


I turn around and shoot where the voice comes from, he gets it on the forehead and fall to the floor, dead. An alarm suddenly starts blaring. I go out of the door I came from.

???: "Goddammit, what the fuck did you just do?! What is that alarm?"

Y/N: "When I got out of the room, there was a dude that I didn't see... He starts barking and I shot him, but it was too late, the others should have heard his shouts. But the job is done."

???: "Anyways, we don't have the time, we have to go away before the others arrive."

We ran toward the boat. Some bullets fly right past us, we instinctively jump behind a wall for cover. I remember the advice they gave us: "Analyze before shooting". From where the bullets seem to come, I would say three of them. From the noise, I would say two M4A1 and an AK-47. After seeing approximately and mentally where our enemies are, I wait for them to empty their mags before starting the show. I would only have a few seconds to act, but it's our only chance. The bullets storm stopped, I got up to see that my enemies are where I thought they were. I shot three times, hitting them, they fall to the floor.

Y/N: "Okay, go go go."

We again make our way to the base.

???: "Hurry up already."

Y/N: "Yeah, yeah, I am co-HARG"

An immense amount of pain strikes me on my right waist. I lower my head, and I saw a hand holding tightly what seems to be a knife. He removes the blade from my body as I grunt in pain. I fall to my knees, I see him, ready to strike me again. My head starts spinning and as everything seems over, I heard a gunshot and the man falls to the ground before me with a bullet in his head.

Y/N: "What the..."

I turn around to see my teammate, her gun in her hand, with smoke escaping the barrel.

???: "No problem. Come on hurry up before the others leave without us."

We resumed our run towards the boat.

/-/-/-/-/Flashback end/-/-/-/-/

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