Chapter ELEVEN

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Kirby Carter

By the time you step out of the cab, you're over half an hour late to meet your sister.. You had completely lost the day to exhaustion and now you rush toward the door of the bar, fixing the delicate straps of your tight black dress and smoothing the slinky fabric down your sides, the click of your silver heels echoing down the sidewalk..

Ignoring the memories from the last time you were outside this bar, with The Viking, the excitement you felt then.. Not this time..

This time all you feel is anxious as you push through the door and scan the room until you see her..

Your sister is sitting at a table in the back corner with a dark haired man in a black leather jacket, who sits, casually, with his back to you..

Her eyes light up as you approach and she jumps to her feet, rushing to greet you.. "Kirby! I was beginning to think you were going to bail on me!" She wraps her arms around you with a squeal..

You hug her back, tightly, trying to hold on to this fleeting moment, seeing her happy just a little longer.. "Of course not.. I just lost track of time, I'm sorry sweetie.."

She waves a dismissive hand.. "It's no biggie, you're here now and I can introduce you to my boyfriend.. Kirby.. This is Damien.."

Completely stunned by her use of the word 'boyfriend', you turn to the man sitting at the table beside you and your mouth falls open as your stomach roils at the sight of him..

The face of a man you haven't seen in seven years.. Not since leaving the Emerald Isle..

Declan Darby smirks up at you..

Your head spins, mind racing to catch up..

Declan is Damien?

And somehow he is your sister's boyfriend?..

How did you not know about this and how the hell is happening?..

What does he want?

"It's nice to meet ya, Kirby.. Lucky's told me so much about ya, I feel like we already know each other.." He stares you down confidently, with dark eyes, almost daring you to say something, to expose him..

"Uh.. Yeah.. Nice.. To.." You can't even finish that sentence, looking over at Lucky, who fidgets nervously, twisting the ends of her long blonde hair between her fingers.. "Lucky?.."

She gives you her pleading eyes as she grips your arm and pulls you to the side.. "Please don't be mad at me.. I really like this guy.. And we've been in the city a while, I just thought.. Well, you said this time was going to be different.."

You have no idea what to do with this information..


Do you tell her?

Or would you be putting her in more danger by telling her?..

You don't know what to do and you don't have nearly enough time to make a decision.. "Lucky! How long has this been going on? Why did you tell me?"

Her gaze drops to the floor.. "Six months.."

This is bad, very bad.. That's almost as long as you've been in the city! You feel sick.. You have failed to do the one thing that mattered.. Protect your sister.. How did you mess this up so badly.. And now, not only does Darby have access to your sister.. She had actual fucking feelings for the bastard!

"I know.. Were not supposed to get involved.. I tried.. .. I'm sorry Kirby.. But I'm not like you.. I know you don't care about things like finding love, getting married.. Having a family.. But I want those things.. ... Kirby, please say something.. You're mad at me?"

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