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Hunter Paxton

The SPC Medical staff had strongly advised against my travelling to Ireland, but there was never any question.. I was always going after her..

I have spend most of my life in the shadows, carefully distancing myself from anyone I cared about, going by a name that wasn't my own.. I've gotten so used to being alone, I've adapted to the isolation.. Never showing the cracks and scars I burried deep beneath my work, or behind a string of meaningless flings.. All that time wasted chasing unattainable women who I was certain would run from me..

Shit.. The shameful relief I'd feel when they were finally gone..

Truthfully, I had accepted all the ways I would never succeed.. Family.. Love..
I told myself I didn't need those things and that I didn't want them..
I convinced myself it never mattered..
So it didn't.. At least it never did to me..

And then along came Kirby Carter..

She was tough on me.. Nothing came easy with her..
Goddamn was she tough..
And damn if I didn't get off on that.. She made me work harder to earn her trust than anyone.. Thats saying something, since I've been through the process of a Bratva initiation..

With Kirby, half the time I spend wondering if she even likes me at all.. But then other times she would look at me with a kind of devoted contentment.. And not just in that way that let me know she wanted me to do nasty thing to her..

Which, lets be real.. Is fucking mind blowing..

But more than that.. Sometimes when she'd look at me, I swear it was longing.. Hopeful even..

She kept saying she didnt know what was real.. What to believe.. But the way she looked at me, well, it made me feel like she wanted to believe in me.. So I wont let her down.. I cant..

"You rite?.." Patrick stands opposite me as we look over the city maps in the conference room of Interpol's headquarters..

We've been looking for hours and I'm being to feel like Im banging my head against a wall.. "I.. Yeah.."

I shake my head, refocusing..

"Hey.. Kirby's a fighter.. Always has been.." He offers a supportive half grin..

I blow out a breath.. "I know.. I just can't help thinking I should have approached this whole situation differently.. Fuck.. What am I doing, O'connor?.."

He frowns, circling the table to stand beside me.. "Ah, man.. Ya can't do that.. This ain't yer fault.. And it sure as shit didn't start with you.. Darby has been obsessed with Summer since he met 'er.. Hell, I tried to warn her that one day he'd take it further.. She never wanted to hear it.. Jus' kept runnin' from it.. Till she met you.. I think you made her feel like she could finally face him.. Stand up to him.. And for what ever reason.. She trusted you with this, more than she ever did me.. So, if ya ask me, I think ya know exactly what ya gotta do, brother.. Ya gotta put him down.. For good.."

Slowly, I nod.. He's right.. I have to end this, once and for all..

For Kirby..

My new phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out seeing the strange euro number on the screen.. Holding it up to show O'connor his eyebrows shoot up in interest as I tap the green accept call icon before setting it to speaker... "Hello?.."

The line crackles before we hear a voice.. Its muffled, and distant, but I recognise it immediately.. By the look on Patrick's face.. So does he..


"He's dead, ya dumb bitch.." The line buzzes, cutting in and out.. "What?.. Did ya think I gave a shit about him?.."

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Where stories live. Discover now