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Hunter Paxton

I'm a big enough man to admit when I'm wrong.. And so far, everything I thought I knew about Summer O'Cléirigh has been dead wrong..

Sure I know that she is smart and she's tough as nails..

But she's not cold.. She's not cruel.. And she's no killer..

There is so much more to her than I even began to consider, and I feel like a real dumbass for taking such a hard line against her.. Right off the bat..

After hearing the way she spoke about what happened to her parents and her sister.. I know she wasn't lying.. You can't fake the kind of truth I see in her big brown, doe eyes..

The same truth I saw when we were alone, and she had no idea who I was and no reason to lie..

She's nothing like the person I've read about in the CIA case files.. The same person they suspected to have breached a CIA facility and stolen a 12 million dollar satellite missile-launch chip..

Or the person who had fleeced two heavyweight pharmaceutical labs, making off with hundreds of thousands in stolen chemicals..

Or the several bank hits, where he devices were used, blasting open the vaults acorss several states to fund terrorist activities..

After hearing how she came to be involved in all this in the first place.. Now none of this seems to fit the character of the woman who sits across the interrogation table from me now..

No.. The woman that sits across from me is far more innocent than I had ever imagined..

And let's be honest, maybe it's the fact that I haven't been able to get her out of my head since our night together..

Or the fact that a few days ago I found out she was pregnant with my baby.. But she is god damn beautiful.. Distractingly so..

Probably the most beautiful woman I've ever seen..

.. She's that kind of classic beauty that's almost hard to look at because I don't feel deserving.. And now knowing that she isn't pure evil, only makes it harder for me to pretend I'm not feeling all kinds of fucked up over her..

She confuses the hell out of me.. Her soft and sharp edges.. One minute I feel like we're getting somewhere,getting along and the next she is giving me a firey attitude that makes me simultaneously pissed off and turned on..

I need to understand her.. I need to know why she is still so cagey about the guy in the leather jacket..

What is the connection there?

If she isn't still working jobs for what's left of the IRA what is she doing?...

And if she isn't the person who I thought she was..

Then who the fuck is she?

I really need to get a hold on myself.. Because without her Intel, this case is going nowhere, fast..

But more than just that, Im also realising that I seriously need to adjust my methods.. The whole, "by any means nessicary" approach might be fine for a wanted terrorist..

But for Kirby.. The mother of my unborn child I have to do better..

I owe her that much..

"Right." I push up to my feet and cross to open the door, nodding a motion for her to follow me.. "Then, let's go."

Her eyes widen in surprise.. She wasn't expecting me to release her.. And in a way, she's right.. I'm not..

"You're actually letting me go?" She hums with a skeptical glance at me..

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Where stories live. Discover now