16 | Criminal

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The young man who hid himself from the world under a mask of anger, power, and violence, took slow steps around the dead corpse on the ground.

He let out a heavy sigh, for he was tired of living the same day over and over again.

And although his life was fun, especially as a villain, there was something missing.

Guilt didn't flood his senses, he was used to killing and taught himself not to care for the lives that he had mercilessly taken. It was a routine; it was his life.

This man was a criminal, one of the worst amongst millions.

He was always the smartest in the room. With a mind like his, he could manipulate himself out of any situation and into any deal with ease. For him, manipulation was like breathing air, it came all too naturally to his dominant self.

At just twenty two years old, Lorenzo Gambino had taken his fathers scraps and built them into an empire that held cruel, ruthless, and loyal members.

With the way he was making millions each day, it was natural for him to catch the attention of others, making them desire the power he held.

Too many times had people tried to take him down, yet each and every single time they failed.

And of course they did, Lorenzo was too smart for anybody else. He was gifted with intelligence that captured the minds of anybody and everybody that surrounded him.

Men wished to be him, they watched in his shadow with envy. And women, they dreamed of being his arm candy, they dreamed of being loved by him.

The brooding pair of eyes that reeled everybody in hypnotized those around him. With a simple glance he could make men kiss his feet and women drop to their knees.

Lorenzo Gambino was the epitome of power and dominance, everybody knew it.

Although he had everything, Lorenzo was far from feeling whole.

"Marco, trova qualcuno che pulisca questo casino."

Marco, get someone to clean this mess up.

Grabbing the hanker-chief that was worth more than a diamond ring out of his pocket, he threw it on the dead body, covering the eighteen year olds face.

Even though Lorenzo said he didn't feel guilt for the murders, this was an action to subconsciously ease his night terrors.

Lorenzo left the corpse of the child to rot on the ground as he went to go fix up a deal.

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