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I woke up from the blinding sun peaking through my curtains. I turned to face the other direction and try to go back to sleep, when I saw my clock read 9:30am. I sighed, I should probably begin my day.

It was Sunday, so I had the day off from work. I was an agent with the FBI, but not that kind of agent you are thinking of. I was stuck with desk work and small side jobs. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed helping the other agents, but I've always felt my talents were dismissed. I could never ask for more though, one step above me was the Behavioral Analysis Unit, and they were already full of amazing agents. I've always hoped one day I could join them though.

I grab my phone and scroll through my notifications before sitting up. "Good morning, Gunner" I yawned. Gunner was my small black dachshund I rescued a few years back.

I roll out of bed and open my sheer curtains that woke me a few minutes ago. It was a sunny April day, and I could see the trees slightly waving with the wind.

I go to use the bathroom that is attached to my room and start to get ready for my day. After, I take off my oversized navy blue t-shirt with three purple butterflies on it, and walk towards my closet. I look through my options before selecting an army green sweater along with a pair of blue jeans.

I open my bedroom door and walk over to my living room. I turn on the tv to the radio channel, where Perfect by One Direction was playing. I lived in a two bedroom apartment by myself, so I always had music playing for background noise. I hated being in the silence alone.

I walk the two steps into my kitchen where I open the fridge. It was almost completely empty, with the exception of my Chinese takeout leftovers from last night. I sighed as I thought I should probably pick up some groceries on my day off.

"Gunner! You hungry?" I called as I heard his tiny little paws scurry across the hardwood floor.

As he ate, I slipped on my white vans and grabbed my keys. I checked my appearance one final time before patting Gunner goodbye and walking out the door.

I took the elevator down to the main lobby before exiting the doors and walking to my car. I drove a small four door light blue Suzuki. All throughout high school and college my friends made fun of me for it, but I loved it. It was my first car my dad gave me before he passed a few years ago.

I drove the eight minute drive to the closest Target. When I arrived, I stopped at the Starbucks inside and ordered an iced chai latte with a plain bagel for breakfast. I then grabbed a cart and began to walk around the store as I did my shopping.

"Daddy!" I heard someone scream in excitement. I glanced up to see a little boy running over to his father with a box of Lucky Charms cereal in his hand. "Can we pretty please get them?" He whined.

I chuckled and continued walking to the next isle before the man could turn around and catch me staring. I didn't get a good look at his face, but something about him caught my eye. He looked strangely familiar with his dark hair, but I couldn't think of who.

I shrugged it off and continued through the store.

About two hours later I arrived home and unloaded my groceries. I sat on the couch and went on Twitter as the radio channel was still playing from earlier. Now, Bad Habit by The Kooks was playing. I sat there for what only felt like minutes, just switching through apps and listening to music.

I looked at the time and saw 3:45pm. I decided I should probably go for my afternoon run with Gunner. I changed into a light pink razor back and white athletic shorts. I grabbed Gunner and his leash, and we headed out the door.

We ran 3 laps around the park before I noticed Gunner starting to slow down. His tiny legs couldn't keep up anymore, so I picked him up and headed back to the apartment.

When we got back, Gunner immediately went to his water bowl. I laughed as I grabbed his food dish that was right beside him. I put a scoop of his food in for dinner and set it back next to him.

I notice I too was starting to get hungry, so I decided to just have the rest of my leftovers. I'm not much into cooking, so I order takeout way too often.

After we both ate, I hopped in the steaming hot shower and washed my long hair. I then scrubbed the sweat off my body and turned the water off. I wrapped myself in a fresh towel and walked into my room to see Gunner already on the foot of my bed.

I put on a pair of underwear and the same blue t-shirt I slept in last night. I laid next to Gunner as I turned the TV on. I decided on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, as I pulled out my phone and set my alarm for tomorrow.


A/N- Hello again! This took me like 4 hours to write and yes i'm aware that it was extremely boring and should not have taken me that long to write lmao. I was just trying to introduce the character and what not. Also, I did say I wanted this to be a slow paced book so i'm trying. Is this a good length or should I make chapters shorter or longer? I'm sorry if this sucked lol this is my first book and I just want people to like it. If you are confused with anything please don't hesitate to ask! OR if you have any suggestions I will gladly take them! I hope you liked this introduction chapter but hopefully it'll get better soon!

D.C |Aaron Hotchner|Where stories live. Discover now