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It's been two weeks since Anderson returned from the wedding. Nothing interesting has happened, just more paperwork at work, and taking care of Gunner at home.

Today is Friday, April 24, 4:15 am. I was dead asleep with Gunner cuddled up next to me. I was then jolted awake by the sound of my ringtone. I looked around frantically not realizing what the annoying sound was coming from. I saw my phone was lit as I grabbed it and looked down.


Why was he calling me this early? I wasn't supposed to be in for another 3 hours.

"Hello?" I answered. I was extremely confused and annoyed, which he could definitely tell by my voice.

"Devyn!" I knew something must be up, he never called me by my first name. "I need you at the office as soon as possible. I got called in to help the BAU, and I need you to start on our paperwork early since it will only be you working. I should be back in the afternoon to help you finish up." He told me.

"You've got to be kidding." I said under my breath as I hung up the phone.

I was extremely pissed. I don't know which annoyed me more, the fact that I was woken up two hours earlier than normal, or that Grant was called to assist yet another BAU case.

I know he didn't do much when he was called in, but I was still extremely jealous he got to experience that. Working with the BAU agents, witnessing them piece together the case to create a profile. I longed to do that.

It also bothered me that the agents knew Anderson, he had a one up. Of course I've seen the agents around the office, but they have never even batted an eye at me. They had no idea who I was, or what I was capable of.

I got out of bed and did my every day routine of taking Gunner out and getting ready for work. Today I decided on wearing black and white plaid dress pants with a black turtle neck.

I got my bag ready and headed towards the door.

I felt bad knocking on Tabitha's door this early, she probably had just gone to bed an hour ago. She was always up late studying for her college classes, I felt bad even waking her up at 7 every other day.

I sent her a text that read, "Had to go to work early, i'll explain everything later. Gunner peed at 4:45 so he'll probs need to go again when you wake up. You have a key so just let yourself in. Good luck on your test btw!" I tried to be as nice as I could to Tabitha, she didn't talk much, but I could tell she was a kind girl.

I drove to the office kind of in a hurry, I was intrigued on what case they needed Anderson's help with.

When I arrived, I saw a crowd near the elevator. I decided to take the stairs instead of waiting with the random group of people. Whatever case this was, it must have been a big deal for the lobby to be that crowded.

I made it up the stairs to the third floor. I glanced around, everyone was running around as if they were in a hurry. I was genuinely confused as to why so many people were here at 5:00 in the morning. Most of them I had never seen even before.

I put my things on my desk and headed over to Margret. Margret was the head of our unit, yet she didn't do much except put a stack of files on our desks every day.

"Hey, Margret. The lobby was packed downstairs, what's going on? And who are all these people?" I asked as I pointed towards everyone running around.

"Alright listen, i'm not supposed to say anything, but.." she looked around to make sure no one else was listening, then leaned closer towards me. "someone is targeting the BAU. Strauss assigned these detectives from D.C. to help them catch whoever this bastard is. They got assigned our floor since the BAU needed the floor to themselves." She scoffed as she said the last part. Margret was not a huge fan of anyone of higher power, including Strauss and the BAU agents.

"Ohhh, so Grant was called to assist in creating the profile?" I was shocked. Anderson was never assigned a task that big.

"Oh god no." Margret laughed. "Those agents have been up for days straight trying to figure this stuff out. Their unit chief asked Grant to drive one of the agents home."

"Got it." I said as I walked back to my desk. I sat down and began the work that two people were supposed to be doing. I thought back to the phone call I got this morning. He made it seem so urgent, like he had such an important job. I laughed quietly to myself and continued working.


It had been four hours and I wasn't even close to done. I was definitely going to be here a while. Some of the unknown detectives had cleared out, so it wasn't as busy as before. I assumed they went investigating since they left their belongings here.

I heard my phone buzz, and I immediately looked down hoping it'd be Anderson saying he was on his way to help me.

Instead, Tabitha had finally responded with, "Good morning! Sorry about work, I just fed him and he pooped:)" I sighed, liked the text, and went back to my endless amount of paperwork.


I had officially been here for eight hours, as the clock was striking 1:00 pm. I was exhausted, but I still had another four hours to go.

I kept checking my phone for a text from Anderson, but it never came. It should not be taking this long to drive an agent home. I mean, did they live across the country or something?

I desperately wanted to go up the the 6th level, the BAU's floor, and find out what was going on myself, but I didn't want to risk getting in trouble.

I walked to the break room to heat up my mac and cheese cup for lunch. I added the water and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes.

While I waited, I took out my phone and decided to call Anderson.

Ring........ ring....... ring......

No answer.

Maybe he did get pulled in to help with something else. He was very smart, maybe they finally saw his talents.

Margret then walked in through the doors to get her lunch out of the fridge.

"Have you heard from Grant?" I asked her.

"No, I assumed he would have called you by now." She replied as she grabbed her food and left.

At this point I wasn't sure if I was more annoyed or worried. I tried to be positive, he would call me if he needed to, it's probably nothing.

I grabbed my mac and cheese from the microwave, added the cheese powder, and walked back to my desk.

As I sat down, I looked up and saw the TV was turned on to the local news channel. All of the detectives, officers, and agents on the floor were looking up at it.

I recognized the blonde women on the screen. I'm pretty sure she was the communication liaison for the BAU.

"We're looking for this man in connection with several murders." She stated as she held up a sketch of their unsub. "He's approximately 25 years of age. He delivered a package to one of our agents last night. If anyone has any information regarding this subject, please contact your local FBI office immediately."

I suddenly stopped eating my mac and cheese as my stomach began to feel queasy. I didn't like the sound of that, and I couldn't help but wonder what the package was.

Everyone scattered back to their designated areas and continued to work, I however, couldn't stop thinking of what the hell Anderson was doing with that case.

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