The Runaway Bride

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i want to thank _navyblueee_ for the amazing cover 

they are just amazing!


'OH! What the heck is wrong with you just run away' my inner voice shouted a THEILLIONT time now and I started to get into a conversation with myself

'You know right I don't have any money even if I ran away where should I go have you taught about it at least I have a home here'

Home you call it home are you sure cause last time I checked they were worse than ever

But it's my mom I can't just leave her she is the only one left for me

Oh! Here comes miss pity party you do realize that your so-called mother has been abusing you and me since 4

Yeah but...

No but's no if's just god damn run away and about money remember when she hit you with the wine bottle in your head because you hid money if my guess is right money Will still be there so just run

Yeah, ok I will do it you can do I... Wait what if I get caught up this time too it's too risky, how about I just comply with this?

You are bringing your death wish

Where should I go if I run away tell me a safe place where I won't be in trouble even if I get caught then I will not argue and agree with you to escape this torture house

Ok point 1 never call this shit as house point two, I am not so numb so just head to police station anyhow David will help you over there

But what if she caught me running and forces me to marry...

Ah Ah Ah I taught someone said no argument if I mention safe place

Fine you win I lose I will run

And just like that my subconscious self-won and I decided to run the police station is just a few turns away and I need to get there before mom gets him and I am so incredibly suffering in this wedding gown so tight and yeah where was the money?

Under your so-called bed which is just a blanket. My subconscious self-replied and I went to my room oh sorry not my room the store room which is no less than a creepy place but still I live there. I got the money and no am on my way to front door when he saw me

Oh, shit he was supposed to be here after an hour when did he come

I had enough I am not doing it anymore I am going,

And with that I opened the door and started to run through the roadside with my mom and him chasing me I am never in my life going to marry a piece of shit for my mom not after the way she treated me it is so hard to run in a wedding dress lucky me I spot a car an am now trying to stop the car and lucky me the car stopped and I did not even think a second thought and got in the car

"DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE fast please they are coming" I said and the car took off at a high speed all the time I was just looking back seeing those two figures disappear slowly I made a sigh of relief

"so, you are the runaway bride and the person chasing you is your groom is it?" A deep voice startled me out of my taught this is when I noticed that the person who is driving 5he car is a man not just any man but strong built Muscular man he seemed elder than me probably 6 or 7 years more an...

IDIOT stop starring and reply to his question. "oh! Yeah, it's most likely like that can you please drop me in the police station"

"And why would that be necessary, I mean you just ran from your wedding and I think your parents would file a report in the station if you get there you can just get caught" He said.

My New Start with My Older BrothersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt