chapter ten

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.





The sound of an annoying alarm encased the entire room, breaking the peaceful silence that once existed within.

A messy-haired girl laying in her bed yawned at the noise, her body flinching at the sound emitting from her iPhone.

"Why do I always use this sound for my alarms?" She asked herself aloud, rubbing her eyes and wiping at her mouth to get rid of any drool.

Her feet dropped to the floor as she sat there for a moment longer staring at the wall with no actual intentions. It was quiet in the small house, no sound echoing around the girl for a moment.

She was pulled out of her daze once again when the sound of paws tapping against the hardwood floor was heard in the hallways. A sound came from her bedroom door handle before the white rectangle was pushed open.

In came a young, white pit bull with small brown spots, a sleepy smile on his face as his eyes squinted against the sunlight outside. His tail wagged back and forth, moving his entire body. He jumped onto Minsoo's bed, wasting no time in giving her his daily kisses.

"Good morning, Bolt." She smiled happily, rubbing the dog's head affectionately. He welcomed the affection, leaning against her with his entire body weight.

"Okay, okay! You're squishing me!" She laughed, shoving the dog off her. His tail wagged back and forth as she scratched behind his floppy ears.

"Wanna go outside?" She asked him, expecting no verbal answer. The dog let out a loud bark as his front legs bent down in excitement, jumping back up in a split second to run out of the room. "I guess that's a yes."

She followed after Bolt a bit slower than he liked. He raced back towards her and circled her feet before racing back to the front door, barking.

"Hey, quiet down. You're gonna wake mom up!" She shooshed the dog. He immediately backed up from the door and sat down, waiting patiently for her to open it. She thanked him before opening it, watching as he raced outside to chase after a bird.

Minsoo smiled to herself as she kept the door open and walked to the kitchen. She examined the different leftovers and foods in the refrigerator but found none of her likings and shut it. She pondered over the thought of what to eat before hearing scratching at their screen door.

"I'm coming." She stated hastily, jogging over to the front door to let the dog inside. He backed away for the door to be opened before slipping inside, rushing over to his food and water bowl to get his breakfast.

A ding pinged from her phone, indicating a new message. She smiled as she pulled the phone from her pocket, checking the contact information.

Sunshine ☀️
hey, we need to talk, can we meet up at the coffee shop by the arcade at 5?

Her smile wavered at the text message from her girlfriend, a sick feeling forming in the pit of her stomach thinking about what they needed to talk about.

She was quick to write a note and stick it to the refrigerator, informing her mother that Bolt had been taken out before she left at seven-thirty.

She replied to her significant other and went back to her bedroom, changing her hello kitty pajama pants for some grey joggers that went with her white t-shirt.

Stains, though... she thought to herself, deciding to put on a black hoodie.

She slipped on her tennis shoes and grabbed a brush, running it through her hair in a few strokes before placing it back down. She grabbed the keys from her bedside table and was off, only stopping to give Bolt kisses on his head.

"Rain? Amazing." She groaned, covering her face as she ran through the heavy droplets to her car.

It was chilling when she walked into the coffee shop, the feeling of the AC having run all night prudent in the air. She pulled her hoodie past her hands, creating sweater paws as she scanned the empty cafe for the person who asked her there.

She found the said girl in one of the back booths, sitting alone as she texted someone. Minsoo tried to put on a smile as she walked over to the table but it almost vanished when she was in her girlfriend's peripheral vision, making her close the messaging app in a hurry.

"Hey, Young." She greeted the girl quietly, taking a seat across from her. Her girlfriend only gave her a half-hearted smile before turning to the waiter walking over to their table.

It was only the two girls and their male waiter inside. Since it was the only morning and the cafe was usually sparse anyway, Minsoo wasn't too surprised.

"What would you like to order?" The waiter asked. Minsoo hadn't felt the need to really eat and only asked for one hot chocolate, not being too much of a fan of coffee.

The waiter nodded and left the two girls alone with each other. There was an awkward tension between the two until "Young" finally spoke up.

"I know you hate when I beat around the bush so I'm just gonna say it. Last weekend when I went to that party I told you that I was gonna play it safe. And I did for the most part but I guess I just had one too many beers and stuff started spiraling-"

"Doesn't sound too straightforward to me," Minsoo scoffed, already knowing where the conversation was going.

Her girlfriend shifted uncomfortably under Minsoo's intense stare, "I cheated."

There it is. There it is! Wow.

Minsoo's expression didn't change, worrying the girl across from her. "I said-" she tried to start. Minsoo cut her off immediately, "I heard what you said."

On the outside, she seemed mostly calm, collected even. But on the inside, she was going crazy. The one time she thought she'd finally found the one person for her, this happens. Even after she ignored all the warnings, she let this happen. Embarrassing.

A piece of thunder crackled outside, lighting up the weather and sending a bone-chilling feeling through the girl she had loved endearingly.

Her head began pulsing at the sound, making her flinch. She ignored it and tried to look back at Young, only to have confusion run through her body at the girl's flinch.

"What?" She spat more harshly than intended, her feelings mixed with the pain in her head and the heart.

The girl across from her backed up slightly, "your- your eyes. They're gl-glowing."

Minsoo's eyebrows pinched at the statement as she reached into her pocket to pull out her phone. It was in her hand in front of her when a lightning bolt struck just outside.

The lights inside the shop flicked momentarily. She felt something in her body surge when the lights went dark, a steaming smell coming from her phone.

She looked down to see the small metal rectangle now with burnt markings where her fingertips were at. She looked up once again, scaring Young.

The dark-haired girl reached into her pocket as she tried calling someone- fear coursing through her body at the sight of Minsoo's white eyes and burning phone.

She had just reached the police dispatch when Minsoo's body went limp, the lights inside the cafe blowing out.

world outsiders, nct dreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang