chapter twenty

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Much like lunch earlier in the day, dinner was almost just as awkward. Not because no one was speaking, but rather because the encounter between Renjun and Minju had shifted the atmosphere.

It was practically suffocating just sitting in the same room as the two, even if it was only for a few minutes so they could eat before bed.

Everyone's minds had wandered elsewhere as they ate their food, some of them barely eating much of it- instead just playing with it.

Time passed by slowly but soon enough each of them had eaten enough to find their ways to their bedrooms. Everyone was happy to get out of the dining room but Eunha was still slumped knowing she had to share a room with Minju.

"Don't touch my stuff," Minju scoffed, pushing past Eunha to get to her bed.

Eunha stood in the doorway with furrowed eyebrows, silently voicing her confusion at what just happened. She couldn't even step foot in their room before getting told off.

"I'm... sorry," she trailed off. Her footsteps were quiet against the hardwood floor as she got closer to her bed. She took a seat on the side as she grabbed pajamas from her dresser.

Minju did the same quietly. Once finding her clothes, she stood once again and walked out of the room, slamming the door shut in the process.

Should probably get dressed quickly before she comes back...

Eunha stood up carefully and began undressing with speed. While at the hospital she was allowed to change out of her pajamas into her jeans and t-shirt. Now she was getting ready for bed once again but in a completely different location from the last place she slept in.

Her mind wandered as she thought about her life before coming all the way to Neo House. She was just a regular girl living a regular life until she was seven and her parents had gotten killed during a home invasion.

She still missed them like crazy but without any adult figure to watch over her, she was sent to a home for children and stayed there until she was scheduled to leave today.

Turns out her plans had different ideas about where she would be going, as she was now sat in a place she had not once heard of and didn't feel welcomed in.

Of course, she was thankful for the kindness of Minsoo and Hyeji but with the company of four practically completely quiet boys and one stereotypical mean girl, it wasn't the best place.

Still, she didn't complain aloud. Something about Eunha was that no matter how upset or mad she got at something or someone, she'd never say anything purposely bad about them. Every time she had ever made or agreed with a degrading comment, she'd get mad at herself. It was wrong to be mean to people and her brain wasn't gonna let her forget that no matter what.

A few quiet minutes passed after Minju returned. Neither girl knew what to say to each other, not that they really wanted to speak up anyway.

Eunha sat on her bed, quietly reading a book to herself using one of the nurse's flashlights she was given. It wasn't her own book. It was one of the nurses. Still, she took up the offer of reading to pass time until she was tired.

More time passed, nearly an hour after dinner had finished and they sat in their beds to finally sleep. Both girls were still awake- Eunha reading while Minju tossed and turned in her bed trying to sleep.

Until she finally let out a final groan and sat up, looking at Eunha. The younger girl noticed and also looked at her, confused.

"I can't sleep like this," Minju muttered, standing up.

Eunha watched as she walked to her dresser and sat down on the floor in front of her dresser. It opened and she pulled out a record player.

Eunha's eyebrow raised at the unfamiliar sight, "I thought we weren't allowed to have any music or electronics."

This made Minju scoff, "I get a lot of things we're not supposed to have." Eunha easily saw that without her having to actually say anything. There was an obvious hierarchy here and Minju was on top.

"When you hadn't intruded in my space, I could listen to my music freely but then the nurses told me I had to put it away because you were coming. But I don't care, I'm still gonna use it."

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