chapter thirty-three

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The only easy part of the plan was not taking the pills after they were all given out. After that, there was no guaranteed ending or results.

Which, admittedly, was scary. Not knowing what would happen to each of them not only physically but also mentally.

The first room to begin experiencing changes was Jeno's and Donghyuck's.

None of the teenagers really expected any effects to already begin taking place only after one day of not taking their pills but obviously, they were wrong in their speculations.

They made it only a few hours into the night before things starting happening. To both Jeno and Donghyuck.

1:32 AM

The two boys were sleeping peacefully, breaths being drawn in and out in a regular manner. By just looking at them, you wouldn't think anything was wrong.

But that was only until a bang was heard and suddenly Donghyuck was soaking wet.

As soon as the first droplet was felt on his skin, he sat up. He hadn't expected a whole glass of water to be poured down on him in the middle of the night. "Jeno, what the hell-"

His words cut off when he looked over at his roommate's bed and saw him slightly floating over his bed. His eyes widened partially before his feet took action and he rushed over to Jeno.

"Dude, dude, wake up!" He pulled on the boy for a minute until Jeno's eyes partially opened and he fell onto his bed.

"What- What's wrong?" He asked frantically, sitting up and seeing Donghyuck drenched. "Why are you covered in sweat-"

"It's not sweat, you moron. You dropped water on me while you were sleeping!" He rushed out in a quiet voice, internally screaming at his increasing body heat.

"I dropped water on you? You're serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious!" Donghyuck shook him, "oh and maybe I forgot to mention it but you were fucking floating in the air."

He didn't know what he expected to come from Jeno but it certainly wasn't the reaction he got. Jeno's eyes had partially widened while looking at his roommate.

"What? What's wrong, Jeno?" Donghyuck had asked, looking behind him just in case Jeno was seeing something he couldn't.

"You're- You're steaming." Jeno gulped, reaching to Donghyuck's forehead where he could just barely see steaming particles. He winced upon touching Donghyuck and pulled his hand away.

"What's wrong?"

Jeno looked down at his fingertips and could just barely make out his fingers beginning to turn red at the unnatural heat immuring off of Donghyuck. "You're hot as hell."

Jeno and Donghyuck were not the only ones experiencing the new changes

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Jeno and Donghyuck were not the only ones experiencing the new changes. Minsoo was also already experiencing trouble with her lack of medication.

Unlike everyone else in the house, Minsoo had to take two pills while everyone else only had to take one.

When she originally arrived, she only took one like everyone else. But after the one rainy day where she had fallen and gotten hurt during class, she was put on two.

Of course, she questioned it. She didn't know what the new pills were added for but after what Renjun had said during lunch, it just clicked.

At first, when she had realized, she doubted that she really needed the higher dosage. She thought it was probably just to be safe or something but by 3 AM when Hyeji woke up in a panic, she knew it wasn't an option to only take one pill. She needed at least two.

2:48 AM

Hyeji had been sleeping peacefully through the night, not having any new or strange feelings after taking the medication.

At first, she had doubted whether or not the pills actually did anything but she knew they needed more than a day to actually take effect on her body.

Or that's at least what she originally thought up until she was laying in her bed sleeping peacefully before a bolt of electricity stroked her in the shoulder.

She immediately winced and sat up upon the feeling and was sat awed as she watched Minsoo's unconsciously lifting shooting bolts through her fingertips while simultaneously passed out.

She got even more worried after turning on the lamp and seeing the small dark burn spots burning out on the walls.

She pushed off her bed covers and wobbled over to Minsoo, dodging as many bolts to wake the older girl.

When Minsoo finally sat up and took in everything Hyeji was saying, she looked around. They both sat in silence, questioning if it was worth it.

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