~Chapter 07~

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"We are officially a part of the campaign, VVJ," Shivaay paused, letting me process his words.

My jaw slackened and I stopped dead in my tracks, staring at him stupendously. "Wh-what?" I sputtered. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Ms. Kutcher walking ahead with quick and stealthy strides.

"You heard me right. They take two to three members from each team who have contributed immensely in the campaign to help the top-esque people out for the entire ad campaign. Like, the field work, you know. The rest of the members are to strictly follow the instructions by their heads to let it all move smoothly. Basically, they are to follow and do what we'd suggested in the planning phase," he told me patiently but I was half listening to him.

I had almost stopped hearing after the first line or two because those words got me immersed into my own world. I could finally get to see how everything worked. My dreams would actually mould into an unbelievable reality. "Wow," I whispered to myself, still lost in my trance.

"Not really. They make you run about as if you're an immortal or a supernatural being. You'd end up feeling exhausted by the end of it all. I swear, once I'd actually felt like I was high or something because I could feel my body floating away from my spirit? Which is weird because I don't even do drugs. I hope they go easy on me this time. I..."

I completely droned him out this time and absent-mindedly strolled behind Skye's secretary. I could feel my cheeks hurting with the way I was smiling. "I'd still wanna experience this," I suddenly blurted out, breaking his rant.

He was startled but quickly collected himself and shrugged. "Bugs me every time I think that as well."

I laughed softly and before I knew it, we were standing in front of the 'Fire Up Room'. The same room wherein I was sitting amongst the whole department on my second day and also where I had befriended Shivaay.

Rolling back my shoulders, I stood up straighter and patted my unruly curls. I wanted to chuckle at myself because it always helps me in taming my excitement and making me more somber, more neat.

"You both ready?" Ms. Kutcher asked, her hand hovering over the door handle. I was glad that she was actually showing courtesy by giving us a moment to prepare ourselves before heading in.

"This isn't the first time for me," Shivaay muttered from beside me, looking all indifferent about the situation which wasn't the case on my side.

"We're ready."

Nodding her head, she pushed open the door. My eyebrows raised up in stupefaction because I had almost expected the board members to be present as well. So imagine my surprise when I just saw Ms. Maxwell and Skye Williams standing opposite each other on the podium engaged in a heated discussion. Their hands were waving about as if putting across their points but stopped abruptly, sensing our presence. Except for us, the whole room was vacant.

Their heads shot up in our direction and they instantly silenced. Ms. Maxwell was the first one to speak. "That would be all, Ms. Kutcher. Thank you."

Ashley took that as her cue of dismissal, leaving just the four of us. Shivaay and I stood side by side, waiting for one of them to speak something.

"Take a seat, Ms. Jones, Mr. Vyas," Skye Williams spoke gently, gesturing toward the empty seats and we both obliged.

Without even consciously knowing about it, I began staring at him. I saw Skye's suit jacket draped over a lone chair on the podium while there were creases on his baby blue shirt. His hair was disheveled with each strand pointing in all directions. He looked exhausted and it was showing with the way the hard lines on his face made their appearances.

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