~Chapter 44~

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Skye's POV

As soon as I repeated the weird passcode that Valerie had shouted over the chaos, the heavy metal door slid open after groaning like a gaping cave that has huge teeth as a door.

I didn't want to leave my friends there and especially not Valerie because that image of her held at a gunpoint was scarring my mind back and forth every few seconds. Even though she fought back like a badass, it still haunted me to the core. But I trusted Shivaay and Ivan to take care of the whole group.

My chain of thoughts were however broken when all sets of eyes were looking at me like laser beams the moment I walked in. It made me uneasy, though I didn't care much as I sighed in relief to see my dad alright. He was tightly tied to a chair but as far as I could see, he seemed unharmed to me.

My eyes first fell on the guy with a camera in his hands and he soon turned away to avoid my gaze. I could guess who he was, which just made me ball my hands into tight fists.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here. If it isn't the prodigal son! But it's such a good thing that you're here because you're very important to me." Mr. Miller's annoying croaky voice reached my ears. There was an evil sparkle in his amber eyes that I had noticed for the first time since I've known him. His lips were sneering as if unamused by my disruption but he was still trying to smile.

"What is the meaning of this, Joe?" I asked him, trying to keep my composure because right now there was a raging madness written all over his old face. One wrong move and he could hurt my dad.

That's when I finally traversed my eyes to look at him. My dad seemed weary but he was still holding up his front daringly. He smiled at me like he was somehow… proud of me. That alone was enough to give my soul some peace. He's never done that before and that very same smile was giving me hope. Hope that everything would be all right. That we would be all right.

"Well, it's good that you're here, Skye because it makes it so much easier for me," Joseph uttered and spoke the latter part of the sentence in a sing-song voice.

"What do you want, Joe?" I asked him, my patience teetering on a loose thread. All I wanted to do right now was to punch some sense into his thick skull. I never knew that I've always strongly disliked Joseph until now. Why wouldn't I though because ever since he's seen me, all he's ever done is criticize my work in an impudent way without actually having a solution himself.

Joseph scoffed and leaned his hands on the arms of the chair my dad was sitting on from behind. "Don't you see it?" He gritted, his brows now tightly scrunched together.

I was about to say something but my dad beat me to it. "Joseph… if you want the money so bad, I can-"

"Goddamnit!" He slapped the arms of the chair before coming to stand in front of my dad. "Why don't you understand, Jonathan? That I don't want money. I want the proper returns for my fucking investment! And you know what?" He seethed, turning to face me this time.

"Whatever it is, we can talk this out an-" my dad tried again but Joseph held up his finger without even looking at him.

"And you know what, Skye?" He repeated, baring his teeth.

I stared at him blankly because I was beginning to understand his reasons. How he would always talk about the "sales" of our company dropping low and how we're unable to make much profit. It all made sense now. And then add that along with Katherine's theory to kick me out of my own company.

However before he could continue with his onslaught of insults reserved only for me, the door behind me groaned again but this time the noise of the door sounded muffled. Must be because we were on the other side of it.

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