~Chapter 26~

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As I was lazily sprawled out on my bed like a spread eagle, a wide smile took over my features. I could feel the work energy surging through me for the first time in days.

I checked my clock to see that it was still noon since I was eagerly waiting for tomorrow to come already. When I'd woken up late after all the tossing and turning because of my newfound feelings toward Skye, I had received a message from Keith with an offer. He asked me to be his freelancing partner as a copywriter. He didn't even realize how much that meant to me.

Keith and I had decided to discuss all the details and about his recent client when we would meet at my apartment tomorrow. The sole reason I was really giddy for the time to move on quickly.

Sitting up, I decided to change out of my tank top and PJ shorts. My doorbell rang just when I was making a beeline toward my bathroom, jarring me out of my peace.

Furrowing my brows, I wondered about who it could be. As far as I knew, it couldn't be Keith because my friends wouldn't miss the final day of the campaign before its execution. They would be giving it a final touch, the final preparations and my heart instantly ached with longing to be a part of that nervously excited energy.

I trudged toward the front door wearily and opened it to reveal a distraught looking Skye.

"Hey," I mumbled with a tired smile.

Looking closely, I realized that his eyes were blotchy and it looked like he hadn't slept a wink last night. It made me question whether he regretted having me as his date or something.

I kicked away that thought because I was making it about myself. There could be an entirely different reason but looking at his creased shirt and jeans with his blonde strands standing out in all directions, that was the only conclusion I could draw.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned and quickly pulled him in. Still clutching his arm and completely ignoring the sparks, I dragged him inside the living room. I gestured for him to take a seat on the single couch.

Obliging, Skye rubbed his hands on his face and sighed heavily. I sat adjacent to him on the big couch, biting my lip anxiously while patiently waiting for him to explain the matter to me. "Do you wanna know why I'd asked you to leave that day in front of those paps?" He peeked through his fingers and slowly pulled his hands away before slapping them on his thighs.

"What's going on?" I asked back, not liking the turn of our topic.

Skye's entire body oozed seriousness and tension. "There's something I need to tell you," he spoke in a hoarse voice.

Inhaling a sharp breath, I leaned back. "Go on. What's it?" I know that I forgave him but if there's an explanation behind all of this then I wouldn't lose the chance to hear it. "Why did you become so distant all of a sudden that day?"

He winced and I almost cringed at myself for being so rudely upfront when he was clearly having a hard time.

"I am sorry. I just..."

"No, it's okay. I get it. I thought I was doing the right thing at that time. I still do but it was kinda uncalled for." His face pinched as if repulsed by his decision. "I did that because I was trying to... protect you." He gave me a sheepish look.

"Protect?" Now I was dumbstruck and even more puzzled than I was before. But that didn't stop my heart from doing a flip-flop.

Skye nodded his head somberly. "Yeah in the intents of protecting you from the media's backlash. I know how crass they can be toward an individual and how the majority of their words or actions are to crumble someone. They don't even have to think about it twice nor hesitate." Running his hands through his hair, he looked down at his lap.

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