~Chapter 12~

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When Skye consumed one too many drinks the moment my friends called me out on the dance floor, meaning when I wasn't noticing, he got a little too much tipsy. Somehow he had found himself on the dance floor and toward me.

My friends were shocked beyond imagination to not only see him coming toward us but also when they saw the kind, professional and dapper man not like that anymore. He was wobbling on his two legs with his hair sticking out in all directions and a drunk smile plastered on his face.

Even then, he still managed to look handsome and his boyish persona was coming out. Just like it did in the park. Like he was free and I couldn't help but wonder what really has been bothering him. What's so hard to show and so easy to live behind a facade?

Soon enough, Skye stood directly in front of me and I saw Shivaay scramming everyone away from us. He's a sweetheart for not telling anyone about my secret feelings for Skye.

I blinked my eyes at Skye because he was giving me an innocent look with an adorably cute pout. Not being able to resist anymore, I stood up on my tip toes and fisted his cheeks lightly. He was confused for a second but as I started pulling on them, he swatted my arms away.

I laughed at his frown but it faded away as soon as it came. He bagan smiling widely which reached his eyes and a drunk giggle escaped his lips. "It's… so funny. Everyyyy thing… is so funyyyyyy," he slurred and raised his arms.

"Aww, Skye. You're a light drinker, aren't you?" It was like I was talking to myself because his attention span at that moment was like that of a toddler.

He held onto my arms and started swinging them from left to right. His movements were sloppy and that's when my concern for him started to seep in. I stopped, making him do the same and put an arm around his shoulders to pull him away from the dancing bodies.

I was a panting mess before I could even reach the bar because of his heavy and large frame completely weighing on me. God, he's not even trying. I sighed but my face lit up as soon as I saw Ivan at the bar, talking or maybe flirting with a girl.

"Hey, Ivan!" I exclaimed, waving my hand frantically. He looked over at me with furrowed brows. When his eyes fell upon Skye, he rolled his eyes and mumbled something to the girl.

I felt a soft tickling on my neck. Turning my head to the side, I saw Skye's face buried in my hair. The tingling sensation was back, putting my skin on fire. I saw goosebumps erupting on my arms and my heart knew that it was time to win the race against absolutely nothing. That was how quick it was beating.

"I don't like alcohol," Skye mumbled in my ear and a chill went down my spine. He wasn't even aware of things that he was doing to my body. It was as if I was ignited.

My eyes furiously searched for Ivan but he was nowhere to be found. "Yeah, I can totally see that," I told him sarcastically and leaned my head onto the wall behind us. I didn't walk the distance to the bar because I couldn't trust Skye with another drink.

"You can?!" He exclaimed, his face brightened up but his expression fell a few seconds later. "But then why can't I?" He put his forehead on my shoulder.

"Yeah that… because we don't have a mirror," I answered him absent-mindedly because half my attention was captured by our close proximity. I swear the sober Skye would be blushing hard by now. I don't know but drunk he was clinging onto me like his life depended on it. Not that I was complaining.

"A mirror? Yes, I want a mirror!"

"Hey, hey, don't worry. While we're at it, we'll even pack some diapers for you. How's that?" Ivan told him, now standing in front of us. I didn't even notice him walking in our direction.

The Billionaire's Getaway TrystΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα