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It has been a few weeks and the burn on my hands have healed completely. Other than a little scarring, the pain subsided and the blisters disappeared. Nathaniel and I ate breakfast together every morning in the common hall.

He never forgets to ask about my well-being and my hands, as I reciprocate the question. After that, we eat in silence and don't see each other for the rest of the day. I know he's respecting my wishes, but a part of me yearns to be with him.

As the King's wife, it is important that I will be able to defend myself. In these past few weeks, I learned to sword fight and use a bow and arrow. My aim can still use some practice, but my sword fighting is now praisable.

I haven't crossed paths with my mother-in-law after that uneventful day and I couldn't be more grateful. She is kept in the east wing chamber most of the days and whenever she comes out I'm busy in the library or practicing my fighting skills.

I decided to take a bath to ease my aching muscles and cool down from the combat lessons. My body welcomed the cool water, as I sank down to the bottom of the tub.

I wrapped a towel around my body and dressed in a floral yellow dress. It was snug around my upper body and flowed to the ground. I ran my fingers through the fine fabric, before noticing a note on the table.

Opening the paper, it looked to be an informative invitation of some sort. I tore the seal before reading the words that were in contrast with the yellow paper.

"Please come to my chambers once you revive this note.


I shook my head and let out a chuckle. His neat handwriting seemed to be almost like a print font and I was convinced that it was an invitation. It must be an important matter if Nathaniel summoned me to his room.

Walking down the hall to the large room that we once shared, I opened the door slightly. I was surprised the guards were there as usual but nonetheless opened the doors.

I looked around the room and saw not a single soul. I was about to call out his name when the bathing chamber opened. He walked out the door, not realizing my presence in nothing but a white cloth to dry his wet body. The cloth material stuck to his wet bottom as he turned around and I admired his muscular back.

My throat was suddenly dry and the butterfly garden returned to my stomach. He finally noticed my presence before turning around. My eyes wandered to his fit abdomen, as he portrayed a smirk. I felt my cheeks turning crimson, before averting my eyes away from my handsome husband.

"It seems that my dear wife was enjoying her view."

He joked and I felt my heart flutter. For a moment our relationship was like before, normal, but the feelings I buried resurfaced. I cleared my throat before looking into his eyes, not revealing any emotions.

"There was a note in my room that summoned me to yours."

His relaxed demeanour vanished as his muscles tensed. The mood in the room changed into one of seriousness.

"I will have to leave the castle tonight and be absent for a couple of weeks. I don't want a repetition of what happened the first time I left, so I was wondering if you would like to join me?"

Although he did not make me his Queen just yet, I knew this would be a step closer to rekindling our relationship. Having some alone time with him, without the interruption of my mother-in-law, may be what we need.

"Where would we be going?"

"To collect the tax and look at the conditions of the village in Nordfjord. It will only be a couple of weeks and the travel is quite beautiful."

"Very well, it would be an honour to accompany you on this journey. This way the people and I can meet for the first time."

A genuine smile broke onto his face as he nodded his head in approval. I took that as my cue to leave and for him to change into something more than a towel, as I headed towards the door.

"Pack your clothes and meet me in the stables a quarter before two."

I nod my head before heading to my room. I packed many loose-fitted dresses, as the last thing I would want is to be in an uncomfortable dress on this trip. I packed some jewelry, coins, and my favourite blanket.

Just before I was about to close my trunk, I realized that this would be the perfect time to finish reading the books I started. I packed that as well, before closing my trunk. I checked the time and there was still half an hour left. I decided to hide my personal items, in case my mother-in-law decided to burn them again.

The clock indicated it was a quarter before two and I rushed gracefully to the stables. I entered the barn and unlike in Alasia it was well kept and the animals looked quite happy. I saw my husband with his midnight stallion, as he patted its neck.

The hay crunched under my feet and he whipped his head in my direction. I walked towards him, while occasionally petting a couple of the horses. I saw a gray mare sticking her head out of her pen. My hand reached to pet her head when she relaxed at my touch.

"You are the first person to pet Raine, here. She doesn't allow anyone other than myself and now you to touch her."

I smile at that before running my fingers through her soft grey mane. The name suited her, her shiny coat resembled the grey clouds of a storm.

"What is his name?"

I asked of the black-coloured stallion, which Nathaniel favoured. He was the largest and strongest of all the horses, undoubtedly belonging to the King himself.

"Thunder. He is as fast and can neigh as loud as thunder."

"Their names are similar. Are they siblings?"

"No, we found Raine here in an abandoned barn as a young foal. The mother was slaughtered, but somehow Raine survived. Thunder's bloodline is as old as my own ancestors."

My heart aches for the orphaned horse and I felt like I could relate to her. I grabbed a carrot and fed it to her as she neighed happily.

"What are we doing here in the stables?"

"Before our trip, you must learn how to ride a horse. I believe you found the perfect horse for you."

He nodded his head towards Raine and I happily agreed. I moved to the side as he opened the gate and led her out to the open fields. Thunder was already out and waited patiently as an excited Raine jumped around. Luckily, Nathaniel's grip was strong enough for her to not run away. She finally settled down, before feeding on the grass.

"Are you sure it would be safe for me to ride her? She seems like an amazing horse, but I fear I'll fall before I can even get on top of her."

"I am the only person who has ridden her and I've been busy for a few days. She was excited to be outside of the stables. It's more important that the rider has a connection with their horse, rather than the horse's skills. I see that in you and Raine."

I smiled at his words before walking towards her and petting her shiny mane. I felt a nudge on my shoulder and Thunder was initiating that I should give him love too. I pet both of them until my racing heartbeat slowed down to a calm pace, before preparing myself to ride a horse.
Many of you have requested a Nathaniel POV and it's coming up in the next couple of chapters.
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