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I look ahead and I see the man I promise to spend the rest of my life with. Even with the distance, he looked like a giant. I'm sure he will tower over me and, and crush me with a single hold. His muscles bulged out of his armour, as his long dark wavy hair flowed down to his shoulders.

I've seen a few weddings from afar, but this was nothing like them. This is a true Northerner wedding, without a single Alasian custom. I breathed in an intake of air and finally took a couple steps and stood in front of him. At the last step, the dress got stuck in between my feet and I felt myself fall towards the ground.

A muscular arm grabs my waist quickly and I recover from that accident and look to see my husband's hand still holding onto my waist. My head tilts up and I'm in awe when I look at his beautiful sculpted face.

His eyes are blue like the sky and I'm sure the ocean, although I've never seen one. His nose is a little crooked, probably from it being broken countless times. His lips are rouge but is in a frown. Snapping out of the hypnotizIng glance, I take a couple steps back, as the preacher coughs a little.

I barely reached his broad shoulders and I'm sure heat radiated off my face. I keep my head down, too embarrassed to even look at him. I wanted to hate him, yet I felt my body and soul betray me, as I welcomed the sparks that I felt when he touched me, the thumping of my heart, and the butterfly garden in my stomach.

I look around at the guest as the preacher says some words, my step sisters looking at me as jealousy radiated off them, my step brother looking bored yet scared of the northerners, the Queen looking at me with disgust and jealousy, and the unworthy King I call my step father was looking at me with anger and disgust.

This is going to be my new life, maybe it won't be great, but maybe it will be better. I've suffered through enough, shouldn't I receive happiness. Maybe this is it I thought.

As soon as that thought came it vanished when I peeked at my husband. His expressionless face and furrowed brows proved otherwise, maybe I'm lucky after all. I felt the preacher say some words, commence the wedding; our wedding.

"We are gathered today to witness the union of two kingdoms and the marriage of King Nathaniel of Nordfjord and Princess Avani of Alasia."

I felt my hands shaking so lightly and clench my fingers onto my dress. It's felt like my heart was about to leap out of my throat from the nervousness I felt.

"King Nathaniel of Nordfjord, Son of late King and Queen Kristoph and Genevine Kullen, do you take Princess Avani of Alasia, daughter of late King and late Queen Leon and Vila Saila, to be your lawfully wedded wife? By agreeing to this, you promise your loyalty to the rightful King of Alasia."

"I agree to this marriage between myself and Princess Avani."

His voice sounded so deep and rich, yet held so much power. It felt calming, but terrifying at the same time. Much like himself, his voice confuses me as well.

"Princess Avani, daughter of the late King and late Queen Leon and Vila, do you accept this marriage between yourself and King Nathaniel of Nordfjord, son of late King and Queen Kristoph and Genevine Kullen, to be your lawfully wedded husband. Do you promise your loyalty to your husband and his kingdom, Nordfjord.

Why do I have to promise loyalty to him when he does not have to promise his loyalty to me? It's common for husbands to have many mistresses and even engage in multiple marriages, especially in the circumstances of an arranged marriage, but I always believed in fidelity and loyalty to one person. Every fibre in my body wanted to reject this proposal, but the rational side of me knew otherwise.

"I agree to be a loyal wife and queen to King Nathaniel Kullen of Nordfjord."

"Your highness, I request you to reach your arm forward."

I listen to the elderly man and hesitantly stick out my arm towards my husband. I wondered what will happen next, would he put a bracelet on me or would he-


I shriek in pain at the unexpected cut on my wrist. Are they trying to kill me?! I retreat my hand back only for the priest to hold it strongly and place my cut on top of my husband's. Thankfully my previous cut was higher up in my arm that it wasn't visible.

"The conjoinment of your cut, the blood, symbolizes your union as you are one of soul, mind, and body. May this holy ribbon be as strong as your marriage."

A red ribbon ties our hands together and I ignore the sparks I felt as I focus my eyes on our arms. After the third knot, I couldn't nearly feel my hand, when it suddenly snapped into two parts.

I thought this would be an ominous sign, but I shagged my shoulders in relief when I heard the cheers from the Northerner guards and a smile from the priest. I took a peek at my husband and saw a ghost of a smile over mine, but it left as quickly as it came.

"Now, the groom may kiss his bride."

I stop breathing when I hear those words. I may have not seen many weddings of my culture, but I knew enough that such displays of affection were never seen by the public. I knew my first everything would be with my husband, but didn't know it would happen this quickly.

I saw a glint of mischievousness in my husband's eyes and that ghost of a smile, as I'm sure I looked scared and like a lost cub.

He leaned in ever so slowly and stopped for a second just before his lips could touch my own. He finally closes our gap with an earth shattering kiss. It was gentle, yet sensual and stirred emotions I've never felt within me.

I close my eyes and enjoy it, ignoring the hooting from the men and disgust on the face of my step family and the nobles of Alasia. My thoughts consumed the kiss and my husband. I hate to admit that I was disappointed when he retreated back and a sense of pride took over his face.

From his kiss, I can guess that I may not be his first woman, but I felt content that he was my first. The sparks I felt when we held hands seemed to multiply when we kissed. I wonder how it would be when we slept. I quickly rid myself of that sinful thought and looked towards my husband.

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