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I felt myself falling limp in his arms, but a sudden pain in my bottom abdomen made me shoot wide awake. I let out another groan and felt tears roll down my face.

"Avani, look I'm here now. It's fine, our bairn is ready to meet his mother and father. Please just have a little strength."

Despite the tears blurring my vision, I knew who it was from the voice, from the way my body tingled, being in his hold. He lifted me up in the air and began running towards the estate. I placed my head on the crook of his neck, his comforting sense slightly easing my discomfort.

I was placed on a mattress and several maidens ran around, preparing for the birth of our child. I grabbed Nathaniel's arm tightly, refusing to let him leave my sight.

"Don't leave, please"

I choked out, and he looked at me with guilt and sorrow evident in his eyes. He kissed my hands and sat on the floor, by my bed, bringing his eyes at the same level as mine.

I looked at him much more closely now and noticed a large scar that ran from his temple to his jaw, along with his untidy hair and beard.

"I promise, I won't ever leave you and our child."

I brought my hand up and ran my thumb across the scar. His body stiffened, but he didn't flinch away.

"What-What happened?"


Just as he was about to tell me another strong pain invaded my senses as I let out a groan.

"Avani, I swear I'll tell you everything, but first let's welcome our child. Just trust me that I didn't leave you, I never would. You're mine and I'll always love you."

I nodded my head and squeezed his hand tighter, as the pain grew quickly. After that everything around me was a haze. I was brought out of it by a baby's wail, more specifically my child's wail.

My head slumped back and landed on the pillow, as I let out a breath in relief.

"A princess has been born!"

One of the maids exclaimed and tears of joy rolled down my face. I cradled my daughter in my arm, in awe of how tiny she was. Her skin was a mix of both Nathaniel and me, her eyes, a light brown with freckles of blue. Her black hair stood out to her light skin and I knew she would be a beauty to behold.

Everyone left the room, except for Nathaniel, myself, and our daughter. I looked up at him as our daughter's hand grabbed onto his index finger. His glance went from him to me, as he bent down and kissed my forehead, then lips.

"Thank you for giving us a beautiful daughter. She's going to be as gorgeous as her mother."

Tears of joy rolled down my cheek and I held her closer. Nathaniel laid beside me and wrapped an arm around my body, as I began to doze off beside him.

"What should we name her?"

"We have time for that. You should take some rest now."

I held onto him tightly, as he kissed my head once again.

"I promise I won't leave you ever again. I love you Avani."

With a small smile, I began succumbing myself to sleep, as Nathaniel held our daughter in his arms.

I heard the night crickets chirping and slowly began to rise awake. My whole body felt sore, but the thought of sleeping any more seemed less ideal. I shifted slightly when an arm around my waist tightened.

"You should be resting."

"I slept for more than a day. I need to bathe."

I said attempting to get up. With my sore body and not to mention Nathaniel's large arm holding me down by my waist, that task was next to impossible. I whined his name out in desperation and with a kiss on my head and his annoying chuckle, Nathaniel helped me get out of the bed.

I finally stood on my two feet, only to wince when I took my first steps. After a couple of failed attempts, Nathaniel surprised me by taking me in his arms and walking slowly towards the stream.

Nathaniel stops beside a small basket, in which our daughter was sleeping soundly. I gently caress her hair, not wanting to wake her up. Nathaniel continued to walk with me in his arms, as I was about to protest for leaving our daughter alone.

I was set on my feet when another pair of arms wrapped around me. I knew from her touch that it was Alina, and return the tight hug. She asked about my wellbeing and we began to talk when Nathaniel suddenly lifted me into his arms again.

"We should bathe before our bairn wakes from her slumber."

"You two go ahead, I'll watch my goddaughter."

I smiled at Alina and thanked her, before resting my head on Nathan's shoulder, as he began the walk.

We both entered the water and I sighed in relief. The cool water helped with my sore body and I rested my head on Nathaniel's shoulder. After a few moments of silence, I decided now would be the best opportunity to talk about his disappearance.

"Where were you?"

I felt his body tense behind me, as he exhaled a breath. He kissed my neck and my temple before he began talking.

"After you left, I did something I should have done long ago. I didn't want anyone or anything to interfere with us, our love anymore, especially with a child coming on the way. With these strong emotions of anger and despair running through my veins, the war monster in me couldn't control itself. I declared war on Alasia."

I cupped his face in my hands and looked into his eyes. I knew he had more to say and nodded my head for him to continue,

"I didn't have a proper battle plan and my army and I charged directly at them. After a few days of constant battles, we finally won, but I couldn't return to you knowing I wanted more blood. Your stepbrother died in battle, while your stepsisters and stepmother were exiled." 


"Your stepfather, that bastard, received all my wrath for what he put you through. After his death, I felt calmer and decided to return when a spy attacked me. I killed him, but he injured me with a poisoned sword. I-"

I wrapped myself around him and tears slid from my eyes for what he did for me and the thought that I might have lost my husband forever, that he could have died without ever meeting his daughter.


He understood my question before discarding his shirt to reveal a long scar on his body. It was still red but looked heal. My finger skimmed across it, barely touching it, afraid I'll hurt him. I raised my head to him again, as he cupped my own face.

"I'm fine now. More than fine. I'm happy and at peace because of you and our daughter."

"I thought you didn't want me anymore and- Why didn't you or anyone inform me?"

"I ordered them not to. You were carrying our daughter and I didn't want to worry you unnecessarily. I also knew you would disapprove of me going to war, but it needed to be done. I planned on writing back to you as soon as the war was over, but couldn't lie to you about where I was or what I was doing. Just before I was planning to write to you, I was bedridden."

"If something were to happen to you-"

"Nothing happened to me and I'll die before anyone can hurt you or our daughter."

"Don't say that. I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

"I believe it is a good thing that I'm here with you and have no plans to leave in the near future."

I smile at him before reaching up to kiss his lips. I pulled away with a blush, but he leaned down and kissed my lips again. I lie my head on his shoulder and look at the full moon.


I whispered and Nathaniel put his finger under my chin, turning my head to face him. He gave me a confused look and I clarified my thoughts.

"What about we name our daughter Amaris?"

"I think that's a perfect name for her."

He smiled gently before kissing my forehead. I knew that this is my beginning, a new beginning with the promise of happiness and love.

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