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"Mother, Father I know you're up there watching me, please give me a sign if I'm making a grave mistake." I think to myself, looking at my reflection in the mirror once again.

Due to my injuries, with the help of the maids I walk towards my wedding dress. I'm shocked to see a white gown, where the neckline cuts quite low, exposing my bust. This wasn't a dress and shawl that I'm accustomed to wear.

"I'm not wearing that. I can't!"

I exclaim in disapproval. This may be their culture, but it is not mine. Only widows dressed in white clothing and it was an ominous sign to wear one, on my wedding day that is. I won't give up my cultural beliefs, just for my husband.

"Princess Avani, please I beg you to not cause a ruckus and put on the dress. You must look appealing on your wedding day."

"I would look appealing in my cultural wedding outfit, not this. I will not submit to give up my culture or background."

I heard the door swing open and the queen walk on along with my equally evil step sisters. I could see envy flash through all their eyes, as they give a look of disgust.

"It is time for the wedding. Why is she not in her dress yet!"

"Your majesty, Princess Avani refuses to wear her wedding dress."

"If you refuse to wear the dress I'm sure you won't get married and I think we both know where that will end."

"This dress is exposing. How can I walk down the aisle like this?!"

"I'm sure it won't affect you. Enough but with your acting . Like mother, like daughter."

This isn't the first one she spoke ill of my mother, but it still struck me for the disrespect she has for someone who passed away. I paid heed to her words and wordlessly wore one of the dresses. After all the physical and verbal abuse I went through, I never once lost my modesty, yet today it felt like that.

Wearing the tight white dress, it pushed up my bosoms and I tried to cover the deep neckline with my hand. I admired the bottom of the dress as it comfortably flowed down my waist to the bottom of my legs. The long sleeves covered the disgraced cut, although the purpose of it was too wan men of me, a now disgraced woman.

All my life, I've dreamt of leaving this place and it is finally happening today, yet I can't seem to feel more scared and alone. Everyone soon left me in the room and I couldn't be more grateful.

Using all my willpower I try not to break down, but it still didn't let the few fall strays of tears stroll down my cheek. I hear the door swinging open and my step father walking in.

Instead of the hate and disgust that was usually shown in his eyes, he looked at me with lust. I felt exposed and I hated it so much. I wanted the ground to swallow me, at the deafening silence.

"All these years, you looked so much like your father, with his tan skin, brown eyes, and dark curly hair. I must say you look ravishing in this dress, just like your mother. If it wasn't for the blinding love she had for your father, we may have been a happy couple. Oh well, I guess it's too late for that anyways."

I give him a look of disgust, I may not be his biological daughter, but he still saw me grow up and is my step father. I knew there was not a better time than right now to release all the pent up anger I had for nearly a decade.

"My mother will never love a hideous man such as yourself. My father was the rightful king, generous to his people and protecting them from all costs. You're not even worthy to clean his shoes, yet you consider yourself greater than him. Don't you dare compare yourself to such a great man!"

I saw his arm swing at my direction probably to slap my face, but I caught it mid air. I was too far in and I felt more angry then scared.

"I am sure my husband would not want a bride covered in bruisers, especially on her face.

Now as I was saying, how can you live with yourself being such a vile man. I've never done anything to you nor your family, yet you put more effort into making my life a living hell then at the kingdom's work.

My future husband may be rumoured to be a cruel monster, but he's also said to be an honest king and warrior. I would happily die in the hands of a warrior than a coward."

I could see my step father's ear turning red and smoke nearly exiting them. He looked furious and his hand was shaking, I'm sure to give me a beating.

Ignoring him, I walk ahead towards the aisle. I meant every word I said, I would rather die from the hands of my husband then these spineless monsters.

Never in my life did I have a father figure and that man there didn't deserve to walk me down the aisle. Although my father died before my birth, my mother being an amazing artist drew various pictures of him.
Despite the current King throwing them all out, my mother was able to keep a small one discreet.

I felt a sense of peace engulf me as the doors opened and I felt a presence beside me. There was no one, yet I felt strong for the first time. Maybe it's an outlet for my imagination, but maybe my father's spirit is walking me down. This may be the sign I need to confidently marry the man at the end of the aisle.

The guards open the door widely and I look around the hall. There were many nobles from our Kingdom and guards from my future husband's kingdom. The decoration wasn't very grand, as I'm not surprised, but I still loved it. I mentally prepare myself as I take my steps and walk down the aisle towards my husband, my future.

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