Chapter 9 Near Kisses And Near Misses

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          "I didn't bring a bikini," I said.

          "I'm sure Cecelia has one you can use," Ivy suggested. "Her bedroom will be the one shaking from BTS."

          I simply nodded my head before excusing myself from the table and walking back into the house to go find Cecelia. And sure enough, just like Ivy said, there was only one room with its door basically vibrating from music. I wasn't even sure if she would hear me if I knocked.

          But before I even could her door swung open, "I thought I smelled you." Cecelia smiled brightly at me.

          "Smelled?" I asked her confused. Do I smell? I mean I do spray myself with perfume before school every day but I didn't think it was that much that someone would be able to smell it from behind a closed door.

          "Did I say smell? I meant I hear your steps coming up the stairs," Cecelia said with wide eyes. "I know everyone in the house's footsteps and I just figured. . ." she trailed off.

          "I was just wondering if I could borrow a bikini? Everyone wants to go the creek and I didn't prepare and pack one."

          "Of course!" She beamed. "I mean we're already sisters so," Cecelia opened her door wider for me and beckoned me in. She grabbed her phone and paused her music before pulling open one of her dresser drawers and throwing a light blue two-piece at me. "This one is your colour."

          "Thanks, Cecelia," I said.

          I shot her one last smile before turning around to go change. "You know I never had a sister but I'm really glad I meet you."

          "Me too. I finally understand what Xavier meant when he talked about wanting to find his mate."

          "Mate?" I spun around on my heels to face her. "You mean like a friend?"

          "Um, yeah!" Cecelia's voice rose an octave. "Xavier is all about making new friends and getting to know people- oh there's my phone! Bye!" She rambled shoving me out of her room and slamming the door behind me.

          "Weird," I mumbled to my self completely confused by what just happened.

          I tried to shake the weirdness out of my head before searching for the nearest bathroom to change. I remember seeing one by the kitchen when I first entered so I decided instead of looking for one and risking getting lost I'd just use that one.

          Cecelia was right. The bikini she gave me was light blue and had cheeky bottoms and an unwire top. It fit me just right and I was almost convinced it was made for me. The light blue made me look tan instead of ghostly pale, and my blue eyes seemed to pop even more with it. I should ask Cecelia to come shopping with me one day.

          I opened the bathroom door while juggling my clothes, shoes and phone in one hand only to crash into someone.

          "Whoa there-" Xavier started to say but his words seemed to die off.

          I looked up to meet his eyes only to see them growing darker and darker. They were almost pitch black.

          "Sorry," I said softly. This seemed to snap him out of whatever was in his head.

          Xavier cleared his throat. "Um, no I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and crashed into you."

          I tried to open my mouth to say something back but nothing came out. I was so lost in Xavier's eyes and that I didn't even notice both of us leaning in. His lips looked so soft, and they were the perfect shade of pink. Perfect to kiss.

          "Hey, Xavier can I borrow some swim trucks?" Brad's voice yelled.

          This seemed to snap us both out of whatever trance we were in and I jumped back quickly, dropping everything I was holding in the process.

          "Yeah," Xavier gritted out. His voice seemed hard. "They should be in my bottom drawer in my room."

          "Thanks, man."

          I bent down to pick up all my things and I swear I heard a low growl, but when I stood back up there was no dog or anything.


          I walked back out to the deck to put my clothes in my duffle and grab a pair of flip flops out to wear. Everyone else had gone inside to get changed I assumed.

          "Damn!" I heard a shout from behind me and spun around.

          Audrey and Ivy were standing in the open door frame wearing bikinis of their own and had a few towels thrown over their shoulders.

          "Here, we grabbed you one," Ivy tossed me a faded grey and black towel.


          "Xavier is going to totally lose it when he sees you looking that hot," Audrey stated like it was obvious. "I remember the first time Brad saw me in a one-piece he lost it."

           "I already told Ivy, but Xavier and I are just friends." I rolled my eyes at her. "I mean, I just met him and moved here and you're both practically planning our wedding."

          "I think a spring wedding would be cute with all the flowers blooming and the sun out," Ivy joked.

          "I am so going to push you in the creek," I grumbled.

          "Not if I push her in first!" Grayson yelled appearing behind Ivy and throwing her over his shoulder like she weighed nothing.

          "Put me down you giant loser," Ivy screamed pounding her firsts against Grayson's back.


           "Is Cecelia joining?" I asked Xavier once we fell instead beside each other.

          Audrey and Brad were in front of us, and Ivy and Grayson I assumed were already at the creek trying to push each other in already.

          "No, she has a date," Xavier rolled his eyes.

          "And you're not happy about this? Is he like a huge jerk or something?" I laughed.

          "No, he's a great guy. I've known him for years, but I just don't like the idea of her dating," Xavier ranted to me.

          "You're just being an older brother about it," I rolled my eyes. "My mom wasn't over the moon either when I started dating either."

          We stopped a few feet from the creek. Ivy and Audrey were both glaring at their boyfriends, and I'm pretty sure if this was a cartoon they would have smoke coming out of their ears. Thye we're completely drenched head to toe and the boys didn't even seem to have a speak of water on them.

          "You're going to be a great Luna," Xavier whispered so low I wasn't even sure that I heard him.


          "I said you're next!" Xavier yelled picking me up bridal style and running to the water with me in his arms.

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