Chapter 33 Dungeons and Details

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          Xavier agreed to let me go down to the dungeon and talk to Andrew. But on the condition that he was with me in case, Andrew tried to pull something.

          Which earned an eye-roll from me, but I agreed nonetheless less.

          "Stay by my side," Xavier said for the hundredth time as he lead the way.

          "Yes, dad," I teased.

          "If you want to be sassy we don't have to go," he grumbled but kept on walking nonetheless.

          "Xavier," I laughed. "You've told me to say by your side and not run off like a million times already. It's going to be ok," I reassuringly squeeze his hand.

          Xavier had an ironclad grip on my hand. He really wasn't joking when he said that he wasn't going to leave my side.

          "I'm just worried," he confessed. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

          "And nothing will," I reached up on my tip-toes to press a quick kiss to his pink lips. "You're stuck with me, Xavier."

          I could feel the invisible weight lift up off of his shoulders when I kissed him. "Let's get this over with so we can go back and do nothing."

          "Alpha," two men guarding the big iron door nodded to Xavier. "How are you today?"

           "Good, thank you, Frank and Travis," Xavier's whole déminer changed from the living playful alpha I knew to the hard, merciless one that so many were scared of.

Frank stepped to the side while Travis pulled the large door open and gestured for Xavier and me to make our way in.

"Thanks," I half-whispered out, the fear getting to me.

Both Frank and Travis bowed their heads slightly at me. "Luna," they said in sync.

"I'll never get used to that," I told Xavier once the door closed behind us and we started walking down the stairs.

"It still weirds me out sometimes too," Xavier confessed. "When everyone first started calling me 'alpha' I always felt like my dad was standing behind me And that's who they were talking to."

"Ok that makes me feel a little better," I smiled.

"We're in this together, Addie," Xavier said reassuringly.

We walked down a twisting, turning stone staircase, that lead us to another metal caged door that was also guarded. The two men standing in front of it gave Xavier and me stiff nods but didn't say a word. The one on the right finished a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door for us.

I smiled politely at both men in thanks.

"This way," Xavier muttered tugging me to the left and down a lowly lit hallway.

The walls were nothing special, both were just simple stone with no pictures or writing on them. Yellow-tinted lights were hanging from the ceilings that lightly rocked back and forth as we walked under them.

"I already requested for Andrew to be brought to the interrogation room for us," Xavier told me. "He'll be handcuffed for your safety but he won't be in pain."

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