Chapter 51 Under The Full Moon I Say . . .

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I'm starting to think that my mom was wrong and that moving out to Midnight Creek was a bad idea. That staying in Arizona and getting another sunburn was actually the way to go, I mean, anything beats whatever these last few months have been.

Getting kidnapped by one crazy, old, white guy? Ok, I mean, that can happen to anyone. But getting kidnapped by two crazy, old white guys that want to kill me? Not as common. Especially when you add in the fact that they both kidnapped me because of my werewolf soulmate? If someone told me that when I was living in Arizona I would have never talked to them again because I would have thought that they were absolutely insane.

But here I am.


What else would Mr. Thomas do to me if I didn't reject Xavier? Would he make me reject him? Put a spell on me? Or would he hurt someone else because of me? Would he hurt the Midnight Moon Pack? My mom? Nothing felt safe anymore.

All I want more than anything is to be back home before any of this madness happened. Before all of this. . .

But most of all, I wished that I had a jacket. Because standing here in the middle of a burned-down pack was not helping me stay warm. I could feel more and more goosebumps rise on my skin as I took in the eerie atmosphere around me.

"There has to be a jacket, or a blanket, or something in one of these houses," I muttered to myself.

Wearing dresses was also definitely something that I was going to reconsider when I make it out of here. Because as cute as this frilly, little lilac dress was with its cap sleeves, I was freezing. I was so used to always being around Xavier with his werewolf warmth that I started to forget what the real world was like and how cold it was.

I decided that it would be best to start my search back at Mr. Thomas' family home, as much as I didn't want to go back, I knew that since he had brought me here that he maybe left a blanket or a jacket from before.

I walked a little faster than normal back to the burned-down house, partly out of how creepy it was and also partly to warm myself up more.

I didn't fully trust the stairs leading to the upper part of Mr. Thomas' house to not crumble beneath my feet, but I also didn't trust anything right now. So against my better judgement I, as lightly as possible, tip-toed my way upstairs.

My once clean, white shoes were now brown and caked in ash and dirt that also somehow splattered up the back of my legs.

The first two rooms were a bust, the bathroom didn't even have a single towel, and the first bedroom had a huge gap in the floor so I took that as a no.

But the floor of the third room still looked whole, so I started first with the dresser, only to find a few moldy socks and some dead bugs.

But crumpled on the floor of the walk-in closet was a mouth-eaten blanket that was more whole then not, and luckily had no bugs on it. So I wasted no time in wrapping it around my shoulders and nuzzling into the warmth.

There was one last room up here that I hadn't checked it, and honestly since I wasn't sure what my next plan was, I pushed the rotting door open and my eyes went wide. This room looked perfect, like the fire had never even come past the door . The bed was still made, the curtains were still crisp and blocking the sun, and the pictures on the walls weren't even crocked.

"This must be Mr. Thomas' room," I whispered to myself and pulled the blanket tighter around me.

All the picture on his walls were of his family, happy smiling and alive. But the one on his nightstand caught my eye. It was my great-grandma.

She looked the same as she did in all the photo albums my mom had, short brown hair and thick red glasses.

I carefully dropped down on the bed, a puff of dust clouding my vision for a few moments before I waved it away. I brought the picture closer to me, running my fingers over her face and down her blue dress.

I slipped the photo out of it's wooden frame and and turned it over.

"Mary Foster," I read her name in the thick black sharpie. "My love for always."

I read and reread those words over and over again. Trying to process what I was reading.

"Mr. Thomas was in love with my great-grandma until she left him for my great-grandpa and. . ." I trailed off trying to think of what came next. And then the Blue Moon Pack got burned down and attacked by some humans? But why would my great-grandma do that? Why would she tell someone about her family knowing that they were going to get killed? It didn't make sense anymore.

I carefully folded the picture in half before tucking it safely into my dress pocket.

Now it was time to find a bike or something and get the hell out of here. With this new bit of information I could feel a new sense of motivation running through my veins.

I started to mindlessly walk through the pack village looking for any sign of highway or road that lead out of here when I heard footsteps.


Wait. . . I knew that voice. That voice belonged to -

"Andrew?" I whipped my head around. "What are you doing here?"

"What I should have done before."

Hi loves!

Surprise double update!

Hope that everyone is having
an amazing week and is making
Sure to take care of themselves ❤️

Thought that I would update again
Because it took me so long
For the last one.

Soooooo, Andrew's back.
What do y'all think?
Anyone have any guesses why?

I hope that y'all enjoy!
Please let me know you're thoughts.

Until next time,
G ❤️

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