Chapter Eleven - Her Practice

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"Okay, okay," Marcus grinned, "I'm better now, sorry. Man, you know how to make my day better."

"I'm glad you're getting some enjoyment out of my predicament, Marcus. This makes it all worth it for me," I muttered sarcastically.

"Okay. Let's focus. Try your pickup on me," Marcus encouraged. "And maybe try and ask something to get to know the other person. You certainly know how to talk."

I shook my arms to get my anxiety out and let out a long breath. "Hey," I wiggled my eyebrows at him, "How you doin'?"

He smiled and patted my head, "See, you're all set."

The waitress approached at this point and handed us some pretzels. "You guys doing okay?" She asked.

"We're doing great, thank you," Marcus replied, smiling at her.

She leaned forward and placed her elbows on the counter, "I couldn't help noticing you were trying to get those guys' attention. Don't worry about them. You're hot. You could land anyone in this bar."

Marcus took a sip of his drink and coughed vigorously at that moment, spluttering his drink.

"I'm Amy," she reached her hand out for me to shake and I did so enthusiastically.

"It's so nice to meet you, Amy. This guy," I jabbed my finger at Marcus, "doesn't agree with you. And if I'm being honest, neither does my history. But I appreciate the compliment. I'll take it and I'll relish in it," I grinned happily.

"Hey, that's not true!" Marcus placed his hand over his heart dramatically.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Tell that to my bruised ego. You're a hell of a bartender, Amy," I grinned lifting my peachy keen to my lips to take a sip, forgetting about how much I actually hated the drink.

"Thanks," Amy smiled. "I'm in school so hoping bartending doesn't last me forever."

I shrugged, "Abraham Lincoln was a bartender before he was president. You're on the right track."

"How do you know that?" Marcus asked incredulously.

Homeschooling, I wanted to mutter. Years and years of homeschooling. My brain was filled with random facts, which left much less room for things like social skills.

"You've made my day," Amy laughed.

Marcus' phone lit up and he pulled it out of his pocket, "Oh shoot, this is the station. Give me a sec," he stated as he walked to a quieter corner of the pub.

"So this is where the party is," a voice sounded beside me. I swivelled to see an attractive man sliding into the stool beside me. He was wearing an aqua blue button down shirt and jeans.

He gestured to Amy and at his empty cup, "Beer."

Amy shot me a look before refilling his cup to the brim. He took a loud slurp before turning to shoot me a smile. "Hey," he grinned. "I'm Edward."

I took a sip of my drink. Why do I keep forgetting I hate this goddamn drink? I pushed it forward. I glanced at Amy, wondering why she wasn't responding to Edward and she gave me a look.

I turned to Edward. He was still looking at me. I'm such an idiot. "I'm Mabel!" I shot out excitedly.

"Nice to meet you," He chuckled. "So, are you here with anyone, or...?" He trailed.

"Oh no," I gushed, "I'm not here with anyone. I mean, I'm here with Marcus but he's just a friend. Friend is laying it on thick. He's barely that. I'd consider him more a guide or a Mr. Miyagi to my karate kid if you will. If that. Honestly, his advice is questionable at best. I'm going to shut up now." My cheeks flared wildly.

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