Chapter Forty Eight - Her Permission

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By the time I woke up, my head was resting on Marcus' arm as he clutched onto my hand across his chest. I raised my head slowly relieving the kinks in my neck from an uncomfortable night's sleep.

I had snuck back into his room after Marcus' grandfather, Miranda, Matt, and Joey had seen him. He had just been given another dose of pain killers and was almost asleep. As I made a move to leave the room he mumbled something about a promise he'd made and how he wanted me to stay. So I sat on the chair next to him as he held onto my hand and fell asleep.

To be honest, I didn't know where Marcus and I stood, but I knew better than to even bring that up now. I just needed to know that he was safe and happy. So for the first time in my life, I decided to shut my mouth (an anomaly, I know).

I got up slowly and snuck my way out of the room in search for coffee. As I stepped into the waiting room, I felt my heart swell with immense gratitude. There, huddled over and spread uncomfortably on the metal chairs were Miranda, Matt, Joey, Connie, and Amanda.

Like clockwork, Connie began to stir and she smiled sleepily as she saw me. I swear she was an empath.

"Morning," I whispered as I walked towards the sleeping group.

"Morning," She croaked. "How's Marcus?"

"I think he'll be okay. I think they're going to discharge him today. He's going to have permanent scars on his legs but it's a miracle he got out okay."

She shook her head, giving me a once over, "You look tired."

"Good mooorning," Joey sang as he stretched in his chair. "You're already up, Connie? Damn, you beat me to everything."

Connie laughed and shot me a look, "I beat him at cards last night. Three times."

"I fell asleep the last time!" Joey complained. 

Connie rolled her eyes and turned back to me, "Amanda and I brought you some clothes and supplies," she handed me a bag and I graciously accepted it.

"Some of us," Amanda groaned, "are trying to sleep."

"Mabel's here," Connie chided.

Amanda kept her eyes clothes and her arms folded as she replied, "Tell her I said she should brush her teeth and hair."

"Thanks, Amanda," I stated sarcastically.

"No problem, babe," She muttered.

I yawned, pretty used to Amanda's emotional lacklustre. "Where's Marcus' grandfather?"

"He went looking for coffee," Connie replied.

I nodded before making the trek down to the cafeteria. Juan had looked so exhausted when I saw him at the hospital. He kept saying it was his fault and he has failed to protect his daughter's son. I really felt for him. He had lost his wife, his daughter and son in law, and almost his grandson. I shuddered at the thought of Marcus in danger for the thousandth time.

I saw his hunched figure seated at a table, his large raincoat drowning his thin figure, his frail hands clutching onto a steaming paper cup of coffee. His eyes shot up to mine as I walked in. The cafeteria was mostly desolate at five in the morning.

"Good morning," He whispered groggily. His grey eyes looked exhausted.

I smiled at him before sitting down. "Good morning. How are you feeling?"

"I probably got more sleep than you did last night," He chuckled humourlessly.

"Best night's sleep I've ever had," I laughed trying to lighten the mood.

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