Chapter Twenty Two - His Feelings

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Mabel walked out of my apartment in that fitted black dress that hugged every curve I could have only imagined

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Mabel walked out of my apartment in that fitted black dress that hugged every curve I could have only imagined. Her usually frizzy, braided hair was neatly tumbling down her shoulders in gentle curls. She looked like a dream.

I glanced down at my hands to see envelopes with writing on them. Open when you feel sad, open when you need to talk, open when you've had a bad day were scrawled on each envelope.

A small asterisks was on each letter - only open when you need it. I mean it!

I furrowed my brows but gently peeled open one of the letters that fit my day perfectly today.


I'm so sorry you feel sad! I wish I could make every day happy and perfect for you. But I know I can't.

So, I want to give you some practical advice (from google so you know you can trust the intense research I've done). Do something. Call your friends and go out or call them and stay in. Call me! I'm always free and love to publicly and privately embarrass myself in front of you as it often happens. But don't sit by yourself and run through everything that's going on in your head, because - and no offence - you're a serious over thinker. This is coming for a blabber mouth who has no filter sometimes so take my word for it. I've had years of practice.

Put on some music. I know you love fifties music (I hear everything. Also I'm nosy). So put something on and know that I'm here for you during bad days and good ones.

I placed the envelope on the table, fully aware of how fast my heart was currently beating. I couldn't believe people like Mabel existed. People with hearts so big, they cared about others before themselves.

When I was with Vanessa, I felt like both of us would try and win at the relationship. Both of us were selfish, wanting more for ourselves; better for ourselves, before each other. I wasn't even with Mabel and she cared about me more than anyone had ever cared for me in my life.

I ran a hand through my hair in disbelief, my gaze set on her stupid donut mug on my table. I don't even know why I grabbed the thing in the first place. I went back to Walmart to grab cups for my morning coffee and saw it just staring at me. All I could think of was Mabel's wide, excited eyes clasping onto the cup with her small hands.

Before I knew it, I picked one up and brought it home and placed it in my cupboard. So she'd always have a special place in my house.

What the fuck is wrong with me.

I groaned, picking up my phone and ringing Joey. "Hey man!" He slurred on the third ring.

"Are you out?" I asked as I leaned back on my couch, one hand still clutching Mabel's letter delicately.

"I could be. Or I could be home. That's still unclear," Joey responded, burping loudly.

"It sounds like you should be home."

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