Chapter Twelve - His Hurting Heart

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I sat at my kitchen as I sipped coffee out of my bowl

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I sat at my kitchen as I sipped coffee out of my bowl. I felt ridiculous for telling Mabel about Vanessa last night. I didn't know what I was thinking. She was just so determined. Plus I felt a little bad for her. Poor thing.

I looked down at my coffee sloshing in a bowl as I was currently out of coffee cups. They were all sacrificed in the name of getting laid to forget my past. It wasn't really working if I was being honest. Shit, maybe I was the pathetic one?

I shook my head. That was a dangerous road to go down. I was well-adjusted I tried to convince myself.

I sighed, walking to my sink to dump the pathetic remains of my morning coffee when I heard a tentative knock at the door.

I opened the door to reveal a crazy-haired Mabel smiling at me, holding up two coffee cups and a white paper bag. Angel.

"Hey," I grinned grabbing a cup.

"Good morning!" She grinned back. She did this little hop whenever she was excited that was super cute. It's what she was doing now.

Mabel's hair was parted into two braided pigtails. She was wearing pink overalls and a thick, white sweater underneath it making her look like a puff ball. Still cute, I reasoned.

"Guess what I got you?" She asked excitedly.

I smiled as she walked into my apartment and into my kitchen placing the bag down on my counter. "What?" I inquired as I leaned down on the counter on my arms, placing my coffee next to me.

"Breakfast muffins for hurting hearts!" She enthused clutching the bag between her slender fingers. She had each nail painted a different colour, I noticed. She must have changed it from last night.

I raised an eyebrow, "Who said anything about a hurting heart?"

She ignored me, pulling out what looked like a cupcake with the most glitter and sprinkles I'd ever seen in my life. "Look!" She squealed shoving the pastry in front of my face.

"That's a cupcake."

She frowned, "It isn't. I asked for a double chocolate muffin and then did the decorating myself! See, pink glitter because I know how much you love the colour, hearts, sprinkles, and my favourite part, little tiny chocolate butterflies! Eat it!" She grinned, moving the cupcake to my face again.

I took the cupcake from her hands tentatively. I didn't want to tell her I hated sugar first thing in the morning. She looked too excited hopping around in my kitchen, waiting for me to take a bite.

"Go on!" She encouraged, clasping her hands together in anticipation.

I took a bite and chewed, "Mmm," I murmured as I swallowed what could only be described as sugar wrapped in cupcake liner.

"Right?" She exclaimed finally stopping her hopping to take the cup of coffee I had placed on the counter, handing it to me.

I accepted the cup gratefully, taking a sip out of it, "Thanks, Maybie."

She smiled at me and I could tell that the only reason I wasn't currently getting a glare for the nickname she hated was because she felt bad for me. It was kind of her, but it was unnecessary. I'd use it to my advantage and use the nickname as much as I wanted now. It had grown on me like the girl it was named after did.

It had been two years. I still didn't even know why I went to her apartment last night. It was that damn song's fault. Every time I heard Runaround Sue, it just reminded me of Vanessa. She had played it for me after all. Every time as a way to let me know she had cheated again.

I thought of calling Joey or Matt, but Joey would just want to party and Matt would just want to talk. I just wanted to forget. It was always surprisingly easy with Mabel.

"So," Mabel continued walking back to the door, "Here's your laundry. Washed with care and not a single piece screwed up! I'd say our laundry relationship is getting better."

I watched as she dragged in a basket with my folded clothes. It looked ridiculous with this girl in pink overalls and pigtails, dragging in a basket of my clothes. Honestly I'd completely forgotten about our laundry deal. I reminded myself not to tell her I did my own load a day ago.

"Thanks," I murmured as I watched her.

She stood up straight and ran the back of her hand over her forehead, clearly winded.

"No worries!" She exclaimed. "Are you going into the station today?"

I shook my head, "I cancelled last night."

She frowned, "Because of me?"

Yes. "No." I took a sip of my coffee.

She nodded, "In that case," She started and proceeded to walk out of my apartment, closing the door behind her.

What the hell? Was she coming back? I began to walk to my door when she suddenly opened it, ramming it into my face. "Ow," I groaned.

"Oh my God, Marcus? I'm so sorry! What are you doing behind the door?!" She asked putting a bag on the floor beside her and patting my arm gently.

"Behind my door you mean?" I asked as I rubbed my nose, which was still stinging.

"Sorry!" She repeated. "I just wanted to drop off some food for you!" She held the bag for me to see. "I made lasagna!"

My mouth watered a little at the smell and that caused my nose to sting all over again. "Why?" I asked suspiciously.

She scratched the back of her head. "Well, I just couldn't sleep very well and I thought maybe you could use some food. I kind of cook or bake when I have something on my mind. You know, it helps your brain relax when your hands are busy. Or just doing something repetitive. I've heard that about working out actually! If you actually enjoy it, I mean. I don't personally-"

I could think of a use for her hands. "Mabel." I stopped her, grabbing the bag from her hands. "Thank you."

She clamped her mouth shut, which was weirdly cute. "No worries," she squeaked. "Okay, I'm going to go. I have work in a bit. I'll see you soon. Or later. Or whenever." She waved as she walked out of my apartment.

"Maybie!" I called out to her and she stopped at the door of her apartment next door.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"See you soon," I grinned. And I weirdly couldn't wait.

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